> Is climate science upside down?

Is climate science upside down?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Let everyone get in on this one. Fair is fair.

In a very real way, yes it is. Because both the problem and it's ludicrous solutions were thought up before the problem was discovered/investigated/verified.

Climate science is a form of backward engineering where attempts are made to explain scientifically, a predetermined, desired and manufactured problem. Sadly for the supporters of this cult, the manufactured science is woefully poor and easily debunked by anyone with any understanding of science and, or a dose of plain old common sense.

Whether or not one believes in the Bible, there was a principle stated by Jesus that merits deeper thought, for, this principle is the underlying power for change. When ignored by law or by any system designed for the purpose of bringing about change, the intended purpose of such systems is doomed to failure.

What is that principle?

Matthew 23:26 ?"... cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also."

Change can only come about externally on this earth as a by-product of the inner condition of man's spirit.

Men pollute the earth because of the pollution in themselves. The principal pollution within man is man's lack of knowledge combined with man's pride and greed which locks man into that rut.

For the most part, men do what men know to do, not seeing that they could do better.

Climate science is definitely upside-down. Michael Mann in Mann et al 2008, used a graph upside-down to produce a hockey stick. When called on it, he had only the response,'Allegation of upside-down usage is bizarre. Regression algorithms are blind to the sign of the indicator.' Implying that Steve McIntyre doesn't understand climate science, when in fact Mann got it wrong.

This summarizes the IPCC pretty well.


In a way, I say you are right. Too many people there not really care about truth, but about money.

No, empirical evidence is what is required to create an hypothesis, then you test it and it becomes a theory if it is viable and is rejected if not. Climate science is dealing with Theory which works but still needs refinements.

Spot on Sagey, the politicians pay the scientists to prove global warming. That is clear from the dodgey E mail debacle. So the scientists start with their conclusion and interpret any results to fit them. I did a similar thing with my lab reports years ago but that was electrical engineering and I was not on a scam. Like

Y=MX+C Graph is a straight line. When it was not quite so. These guy's are screwing the worlds economy.

Whether or not this answer is vaporized by the cheater-deniers,

BLOCKING IS FAIR AND FULLY ALLOWED BY RULES. Plagiaizing other people's questions is not.

But it is all or nothing. There is NO way I can block someone from SOME of my questions.to Since you, Sagebrush, cannot refrain from dumping anti-science everywhere possible, there is no alternative

but a full block.

Let everyone get in on this one. Fair is fair.