> How much colder would it have to get for you to give up your belief that so-called "global warming" was real?

How much colder would it have to get for you to give up your belief that so-called "global warming" was real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Isn't global warming supposed to make the world colder, regardless of the warming part.

I read on a few websites that the temperature has risen by 1.5°C and about twice that at the North Pole. I have heard people say that Russia is warming the poles so they have full access to it. It seems that Russia and Exon Mobil are poised to explore for resources and for agricultural use. ExonMobil paid $522 billion dollaridoos for drilling rights.

Circles and Cycles...

I wonder if they drove Big Diesel SUVs on the continental ice sheets and melted them away. As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days yada yada.

I think there are many greenhouse gasses that go over looked, many of which they create trying to mitigate Co2. Catylic converters emit alot of No2 and CO. Both of which are worse than Co2 - which I should note that most plant live breathes. Then there is oil exploration. Oil wells have mostly released the nat gas or flared it creating huge plumes of very hot CO that gets injected into the atmosphere. They say that it costs too much money to build the pipelines to transport the Natural Gas to the market. They don't care about the NatGas they want the oil to make gasohol out of the oil for cars so they can charge everyone three times it's worth. They are just venting off 100 years worth of energy because it isn't worth their time. A carbon tax nets much more money.

Plant a tree for your tomorrow... -John Denver (rip) I like that song.

(I just smoked one too by the way) I need to get out more.

Don't they still use CFC's is a few countries?

Everything seemed fine up until Three Mile island and the Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols began. Then we had clouds and no rain, yet when it did it was acid rain. So they changed to Alumina - now the rain is too alkaline. Another mitigation correction oops. Now many many many trees have died or are sick from Aluminum toxicity. Another mitigation Opp's. But have no fear Monsanto and BASF were ready to provide a solution.

Kinda like poisoning the birds that ate the Spruce Beetle and now over half the Wests trees have been decimated. OOp's Instead of poisoning the bugs which the birds love to eat and they did, though they did not like the poison it soured in their bellies and killed them all. Now the bugs are having a feeding fest because people are too lazy to clear the dead trees. How about instead of welfare we have workfare. Turn welfare recipients into lumberjacks and clear the dead trees that the beetles can smell and live in. They could have also stimulated the bird population I would have volunteered had I know what those egg heads were planning.

I'm sure they have a solution at hand. Insect killing nano drones, they lay nano atomic bombs eggs in the beetles then blow them up. I made that up by the way but you know what they say, if you are thinking it then someone somewhere else is too and they just may have the means or the necessary insanity to carry it out.

Lets not even get started on Nuclear Reactors Like the still melting Chernobyl or Fukushima. And Ocean "Ironic" fertilization ( that's Iron by the way) The Pacific Ocean life is dying rapidly. Possibly another mitigation error or the Daiichi "leak"...

What was the question? Oh yeah the globe needs to cool 1.5°C and about twice that at the North Pole.

How much colder would it have to get for you to give up your belief that the so-called sun was real?


It depends on how much TSI the Sun put out.

you'd have to prove the greenhouse effect does not exist.

so, even if it gets colder in the future because CO2 is reduced, it still proves global warming today.

With the heat index factor the temp is106 today . what warming are you talking about???

I take it you live in the middle of a desert somewhere?

Denialists love to talk about weather

you are confusing weather with climate

a mistake most deniers make