> Could so-called "global warming" actually create a Sharknado?

Could so-called "global warming" actually create a Sharknado?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I suppose it could be another one of those extreme weather events caused by global warming, you know droughts, floods, heat waves, cold spells, vortexes, hurricanes, etc.

I think Sharknado is another propaganda effort targeting children. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe the hardcore Alarmists on this site will avow that man-made Climate Change (which does not exist) could indeed cause flying monster sharks to attack America.

As I expected, the climate propagandists are now standing on the graves of the Ebola dead screeching about man-made Global Warming. These people are ruthless propagandists. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101920921


Of Course... if you believe a tornado picks up sharks out of the ocean to eat you. Too Funny! Great Movie!

I think it is certainly a possibility that we should all worry about. Perhaps we should consider relinquishing our freedoms and money to the government because who knows what is next. We might have jellyfish showers, sea snake storms, and lizard blizzards.

I got to say that as B movies go, it is hilarious having sharks in storms. It reminds me of the old SNL with the land sharks. It is so stupid, it is funny. Snakes on a plane struck me that way and the killer tomatoes.

No. And neither could actual "global warming". Or even just global warming (without quotes emphasizing that you deny it).

MSNBC is full of dummys Nobody watches them anymore

I find it highly, highly, highly unlikely. I won't say impossible, mostly because I rarely say that *anything* is flat-out impossible, especially with a chaotic system like the Earth's weather/climate.

MSNBC news reported that so-called "global warming" makes real life sharknados possible, and this film was created to "alerted to the perils of global warming and bio media-ology, so just the matter of doing our research and getting the facts out to everybody."


Do you agree with the consensus that so-called "global warming" could cause real life sharknados sometime in the near future?