> Are we going to run out of water ?!?!?

Are we going to run out of water ?!?!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is the flow of water from rain etc. that we take from rivers and so on. Then there is the stock of water like ground/artesian water.

The issue is that if we use more than what is available in the 'flow' (which we already do) and start depleating the 'stock' (which we are) water becomes scarcer.

We wont run out of drinking water due to desalination of sea water but water extraction from the stock will may make some types of agriculture unviable as the cost of extraction increases.

You probably watched the film "tapped" which states that If we do nothing, then by the year 2030, 2/3 of the world’s population will lack access to clean DRINKING water.

I think it is unlikely that we will do nothing to resolve the issue, although the companies that sell bottled water will want to sell more of their product, the biggest problem that I see is if enough people buy into their advertising messages that imply tap water is unsafe and rely on bottled water. When that happens municipalities might try to save money and produce water that is actually unfit to drink since very few people use it for drinking water. As it is most water use in the home is for things other then cooking or drinking and it is wasteful to treat the water to flush your toilet to the same standard as the water you use for cinsumption.

As for me, I am on a well and get good water without the taste of chlorine or risk ingesting small amounts of Bisphenol-A.

"I live in Canada. At school we watched a documentary and it said in 2030 2/3 of the world will not have drinkable water and it said that no matter where we live we will be affected."

I think you mis-heard what was said.

I suspect that it said, "2030 2/3 of the world will not have ENOUGH drinkable water."

It's already the case that at lease 12% of the world's population don't have any water that we would consider drinkable.


Today, 20% of deaths of children under 5 are due to a water related disease.



More than 1/3 of earth's population do not have adequate sanitation.

So water is a real problem.

However, in most of Canada, lack of water is not likely to be serious.

Edit: James "linlyons - the reason that 1/3 of the population has inadequate water supply has absolutely nothing to do with the climate". Gee, I said nothing at all about climate, or climate change. Are boggy men attacking your brain?

The thing with water is that we can't "run out". The water cycle prevents that from happening. However, we are rapidly consuming our current supply of fresh water, taking too much fresh water before the water cycle can replenish it. So, we will not ever run out of water, but we might not have enough fresh water for everyone if we continue to use it at a high rate.


Water is a renewable resource

Simple answer. No just more lies. In truth many areas do have some issues, but for developed nations although fresh water and your water bills will get higher you will more or less ALWAYS have fresh water available.

Simple reason? 2/3 of the earth is covered in what? WATER!!!! With desalinization you can get virtually unlimited volumes of water. Its just more expensive that way. For Canada, unless you guys have HUGE increases in population you will not even have to worry about using desalinization for many generations to come.

Simple rain water is drinkable. If it quits raining in 2030, then it will have had nothing to do with humans. The United Nations sets standards for about 1300 major U.S. cities as to how much fluoride and chlorine should be added to city water and they are finding that adding solids to water to help make people more healthy is having the opposite effect. You can Google or search other engines for "The Water Lady" (Wynn Grcich) (she's based in California) and find out many of the problems surrounding our water supply here in the U.S..

The United Nations is causing more problems with water than anything. Adding solids to water is part of the UN's Agenda 21 Depopulation initiative. You can find that at YouTube under "Agenda 21 for Dummies".

linlyons - the reason that 1/3 of the population has inadequate water supply has absolutely nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with undeveloped infrastructure. Blame it on tyrannical corrupt governments in the 3rd world regions.

Matthew, I was told the same thing when I was in school 35 years ago. We were supposed to be dying of thirst and famine by the year 2000. In fact, when I was in elementary school these were the predictions they were indoctrinating us with:


And these are the same people feeding you this AGW and we're going to run out of water ********.

Here's more:


We never gonna run out of water instead it is possible that we can run out of fresh water. It may or may not be. Depends upon how the human respond to theavailablr resources

I heard that we would be out of water back in the 1960s. The retread lies are a bane to humankind.

I live in Canada. At school we watched a documentary and it said in 2030 2/3 of the world will not have drinkable water and it said that no matter where we live we will be affected :( !?!?!?

Is this true? What will happen? Will we all die because of no water??

Most of the world is covered in over a mile of water. Are we running out? Not very quickly. Ask again in a few billion years.

No. There is all kinds of technology on converting salt water to drinking water. Water will be the last thing we will run out of.

They were saying the same thing when I was a kid more than 50 years ago.

This is what is happening to you: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Londo...

You are being propagandized by your school. There is no way to know what is going to be happening in 2030. All the man-made Global Warming predictions have been wrong, so relax, they have no idea what they are talking about.

Watch these, you will feel much better.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

In the world increasing pollution. If we do not stop for the pollution, we do not have drink able water. There are so many reason. we should avoid all those reason.

This is a biased documentary, and it's a self correcting problem anyway.