> What are the most important differences between the historical (non-human) drivers of climate change on earth versus Mar

What are the most important differences between the historical (non-human) drivers of climate change on earth versus Mar

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Mars lost its magnetic field over 3.5 billion years ago, which allowed the solar wind to blow away most of its atmosphere. Venus was hit by something big early in its history, which took away most of its rotational momentum. Also sometime later, it went into a runaway cycle of volcanic activity, which filled its atmosphere with CO2 and SO2. Both planets are within the sun's habitable zone, so could have had life if things had gone better for them.

Different atmospheres to interact with insolation and orbital effects.

(We are very much affected by the climate of the Earth.)

Distance from the Sun

Magnetic field,Water and life