> What is President Obama doing to preserve the world? What benefit to Earth is burning 35,000 gals. of fossil fuel &

What is President Obama doing to preserve the world? What benefit to Earth is burning 35,000 gals. of fossil fuel &

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

And on Earth Day to boot!

We post an article that completely exposes the hypocrisy of and AGW cultist politician and you call us a liar? ROTFLMAO!

ANd Gary F goes bat crap insane by posting an old image of Rummy shaking Saddam's hand for some bizarre reason.

I have yet to see any outrage from any AGW cultists true believer for a president who is so hell bent on healing the earth and slowing the rise of the oceans committing such a flagrant violation of the canons of climate change doctrine.

I guess Gary F is contending that Obama's emissions aren't "global" and that his CO2 emissions remain local. Medieval ideology is obviously a poorly disguised anti-Christian rant. Climate Realist should take note.

What is President Obama doing to preserve the world? How dare you? Obama is making the world safe for anti-American dictators and mullahs all over the world.

I really do not have a problem with the president's actions, nor would I condemn him for those actions, especially in light of the fact that it was while he was doing his job.

I once burned some books. Ohhh Nooo, what an evil monster I am

Except I burned telephone books because I needed some fuel to start a fire, and I never use the telephone books they place on my door. I can't even give them away.

The only interesting point to be made here is that there seems to be a great emphasis on the middle class changing its ways and making our lives more uncomfortable, while the very people asking us to make these changes live in obscene opulence.

It is just his existence that saved the world. Remember, when his first inauguration he gave a speech that said we would remember that day as the day that the oceans ceased to rise and the earth healed. How dare you question the actions of such a man.

He lowered the seas

The only things preventing this from being a relevant question are your poor education, hatred of science, medieval ideology, and inability to grasp the conceptual scale of “global.”


edit --

>>BTW, I love science. That is why I don't go along with AGW or Climate Change. They are unscientific and political. I do hate politics though.<<

You cannot love something that you know nothing about and reject for reasons that have nothing to do with it.


jim z --

Your ignorance and paranoia are showing:

Obama has gotten approved higher gas mileage standards for vehicles:


How does the amount of energy that Obama uses compare with the amount of energy that single, deep sea oil platform uses during the same time period? What about its support vessels such as crew boats, helicopters and supply ships?

you are a manipulator and a liar


And on Earth Day to boot!