> Al Gore said temperature is driven by CO2. So why isn't it 10 C hotter than year 1800 now CO2 is 400 ppm?

Al Gore said temperature is driven by CO2. So why isn't it 10 C hotter than year 1800 now CO2 is 400 ppm?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Al Gore never said that it was a 1:1 ratio. If you eat twice as much today as you did yesterday, does your weight double?

Easy answer: All heat moves from heated source to a cooler object. That's how the radiator in your car handles the heat of combustion. Most of the atmospheric heat migrates to colder ice and seawater. That's why the ice melts, the same as it does in your beer cooler when you plop in a couple of six packs of brew. That's why at this point atmospheric heating has been minimal...the heat has moved on.

No matter how many times this gets explained the non scientific just doesn't get it.

Al Gore is a Fraud selling snake oil, as normal solar driven temperatures increase Co2 follows, not the other way around.

Because it would take at least 2.5 doublings to increase temperature by 10 C

270ppm * 2 * 2 * 1.3 = 1400ppm. Currently, carbon dioxide is only 395ppm.


Global Warming ended in early 2012. All non solids that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness so the suns rays can warm earth's plants that make food and oxygen for all species from earth. Mike

Its 2 C higher and it will be 5 c higher by 2100 and seal levels will rise by 6 inches by then so Florida is doomed.

Oh, it is. Only you don't know it. You see, the sea gobbled up a lot of that heat. (This is Climate Scientists excuse equivalent to 'the dog ate my homework.) Now you stupid deniers are too stupid to realize that. You always go by raw data, and that is totally useless. Just before he left office and went to full time communist activism, James Hansen cooked the bo. . . uh . . readjusted the data to show this sudden taste that the ocean has for heat. Jeff M has a chart that even shows the ocean's activity and the extreme sudden lust for heat. We are right now examining the hormonal content of the sea. We believe the Koch Brothers are dumping steroids in to the ocean at strategic locations to increase this hormonal increase. We think they are the reason our comrades are stuck down there. You see, by adding these steroids the ocean gobbles up more heat, this in turn provides a negative feedback which will in turn makes more ice suddenly appear. See! That was easy. So to all you laymen we saviors of the earth are watching out for you. The Earth is really really heating. Repeat after me. The Earth is really really really really heating.

And if you don't believe that just remember, "Bush did it."

Because your knowledge of science is nonexistent

That graph is bogus anyways , They use them as a bluff .

Cause Algore is a lying sack of sh*t.
