> How many trees does Chris Turney need to plant to offset CO2?

How many trees does Chris Turney need to plant to offset CO2?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
aused by his expedition? http://catallaxyfiles.com/2014/01/03/the-rest-of-chris-turneys-life-mapped-out/

Why is Turney planting trees? --- don't Warmists always say that trees don't stop CO2 from getting into the air because they eventually release the CO2?

Warmists are such hypocrites, they say whatever is politically expedient at the moment, they have no consistency or regard for the truth.

And of course, CO2 doesn't drive warming anyway. It's a trace gas, it's effect on climate is negligible and probably too small to measure.


Climate Realist - Try reading the article linked by Kano and you will see that Turney promised to plant trees to 'offset' his failed goofy mission.

And if CO2 drives temperature, then why isn't it driving right now? You Warmists are screeching all the time that CO2 levels are the highest they have been for thousands of years --- of course that is not true, but that's what you say. Yet, no warming for about 17 years. In fact it's getting cooler.

But that's what rational people would expect because the Sun is no longer at it's Modern Maximum. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Maxi...


Madd Maxx

Other than Kano, who said anything about Turney planting trees? If you have a good strawman argument, run with it.

You are one to talk. You block people because they call you a liar and yet you freely call honest scientists liars.


< It's a trace gas, it's effect on climate is negligible and probably too small to measure.>

If that were true, this man would tell us.


600 trees per year, contingent on future fossil fuel prices. His success ratio is less then one tenth of one percent.

1 billion for starters

About 11,887,409,617.....give or take a few.

a million at least

caused by his expedition? http://catallaxyfiles.com/2014/01/03/the-rest-of-chris-turneys-life-mapped-out/