> Is it fair to leave the Xue Long rescue ship stuck in the ice?

Is it fair to leave the Xue Long rescue ship stuck in the ice?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The Xue Long says it is not in immediate danger so it is probably OK for now.

This saga will not be fully over for some time. The Akademik Shokalskiy is still stuck with its crew on board. The Xue Long ship is now stuck with its crew. The Aurora Australis has had to delay some of its re-supply work, thus inconveniencing other Antarctic scientists.

I just hope everyone comes out of this alive.

Make the crew of Akademik Chokalskiy get out and push. They can walk out on the ice floes with pickaxes and break it up. Particularly the tourists who took too long ot get back to the ship. To say it puts their lives at risk is no good seeing as how they are the reason that ship is stuck.

Isn't there a scientist on board the Xue Long to blame?

They'll surely blame AGW for this humiliation.

