> How much CO2 is this Antarctic exploration going to generate?l?

How much CO2 is this Antarctic exploration going to generate?l?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Since CO2 only has a negligible impact on temperature and is NOT any kind of driver of climate, I really don't care how much CO2 they produced. But I would like to know who paid for this propaganda boondoggle, I'm sure it's us taxpayers that will get stuck with this bill again.

Their mission was to retrace the route of an exploration many years ago --- funny that the original expedition didn't get stuck in the ice, maybe they should learn something from that, but they won't.

And of course it is currently SUMMER time in the Antarctic, they are stuck in SUMMER ice, how funny is that? And not only are they stuck, but a Chinese icebreaker ship is also stuck that originally tried to rescue them. A second icebreaker tried to get to them but reported it could not make it to their location.

So now it looks like they will have to be rescued by helicopter. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world...

If there has ever been a bigger failure for a Leftist/Warmist propaganda mission I'm not aware of it.

The world is laughing at them and deservedly so.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

More echoes from wuwt. One ship stuck in ice and agw is over. Get real.

I'm sure that the Hippies who organized the trip have purchased carbon offsets AND will reimburse the cost to those involved in the rescue:)

if you mean the ship, you asked the almost exact same question earlier

Less than the number of stupid things you say everyday.