> Was green energy behind the cattle chaos between the rancher and the feds?

Was green energy behind the cattle chaos between the rancher and the feds?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes. The greenies claimed that the cattle were destroying the habitat of the land turtles. They put pressure on the BLM and that started the whole thing.

What you saw was tyranny in the highest form by our government. Don't think this is the end of it. The Empire must strike back!

Gringo, "I love how you guys can twist a decades long case where a cattle-owner admits he lets his cattle graze on federal land without paying the associated taxes and where he lost every single court case into 'it's all the greenies fault'."

Over a century these people and others like them have managed the land at their own expense. In fact the government back in the 1800s beg for people to do just that. These people are the result of millions of people being fed nutritional food. They have added other value to the land. This has worked efficiently and without qualms for over a century. Then crony capitalism rears its ugly head and gets the greenies to do their dirty work. The gutless capitalists aren't even brave enough to do the dirty work themselves. The hire out a communistic organization to dream up the land turtle. Well it worked for the snail darter so the evil pattern was set.

You greenies are so visible.

"he lost every single court case" Ha! Ha! Who pays the judge's salary? The government. Who pays the BLM lawyers. The government. Who owns the land. The government. Whose money is the Government using to prosecute this fellow. Bundy's and ours. Who has unlimited cash to prosecute this case? BLM And you think you can get a fair hearing? Ha! Ha! Gringo I don't believe you are than naive or that stupid, so it must be all bluster. Ha! Ha!

I love how you guys can twist a decades long case where a cattle-owner admits he lets his cattle graze on federal land without paying the associated taxes and where he lost every single court case into 'it's all the greenies fault'.

But I guess that is the inevitable result of getting your news from Inforwars. Throw in anti-government groups, armed militias and the by now meaningless word 'Tyranny' and alike, in you lot have yet another fake excuse to not get the whole story and hate greenies even more.

Ha ha ha.

Harry Reids Brother was a part of this , Another Harry Reid

land deal

I think the main impetus is that lots of government agencies are being given weapons in the last ten years.

