> What potential is there for change in the environment?

What potential is there for change in the environment?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i have this term paper to write about and I'm stuck with this question : what human potential is there for change in the environment ?

Are you looking for a number? If so that's a hard answer but you can find different statistics for different aspects (land use, pollution, etc...). The IPCC, WWF, would probably have good materials, and Google Scholar wouldn't hurt if you don't have access to a repository like JSTOR or MUSE

But if you're looking for the likelyhood of human activity changing the global environment, it all basically boils down to pollution causing climate change and otherwise compromising natural resources like soil, air, and water, coupled with loss of biodiversity through habitat destruction and animal consumption.

To make it a better environment everyone would basically have to become Robert Hart, and that's not happening anytime soon. More likely we'll all die because people care more about turning a quick profit than anything else.

Not going to happen. Some people will care and protest and they might achieve small amounts of progress but in the big picture that actually matters nothing is going to change because of the amount of money needed to change global warming. And even if first world countries did stop using fossil fuels do you really think that other poor countries are ever going to say yeh its more important to spend our money on more expensive alternative environmentally friendly fuels when out the people of these poor governments live in terrible conditions that would be addressed before anything else. Basically the entire topic is time wasted.

what human potential is there for change in the environment and there is change in environment due to global warming or difference activities of human and animals.

Co2 is greening the planet, since the 1980's satellite imaging has shown that earths biomass is increasing (even with deforestation's) deserts are receding, world crops are on the up.

now if can just get rid of the toxic waste and garbage we pollute the planet with, this earth might be a nice place to live in.

We can groom the earth as much as we can. But changing the environment from a climate standpoint is impossible for man to do much.


Check this out. This is truly amazing! They have a way to bring back deserts and make them lush and green. It's pretty cool.

i have this term paper to write about and I'm stuck with this question : what human potential is there for change in the environment ?