> Scientists discover that there is no link between so-called "global warming" and drought.?

Scientists discover that there is no link between so-called "global warming" and drought.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Every time in Earths history, when we have had warm periods is has been wetter, with less droughts (the Medieval period, the Roman period, the Minoan period, the Holocene climate Optimum) it stands to reason, more heat, more evaporation, more water vapour in the atmosphere, more clouds and rain.

People are incredibly good at finding reasons to believe what they want to believe. Repeated brain scans have shown that people choose what to believe based on their feelings before their brain's logic circuits activate, then they look for reasons to support their choice--but they remember it as happening the other way--that they looked at the reasons and chose the logical thing to believe in.

This is how intelligent people can hold completely different beliefs, some of which may seem absurd when compared to the evidence.

Your question is a misrepresentation of what the article actually says. Either you are extremely disingenuous or you suffer from very poor reading comprehension abilities. Which is it? Perhaps both possibilities would apply here?

Read this part again - "Global warming contributed to extreme heat waves in many parts of the world last year, but cannot be definitively linked to the California drought, according to a report released Monday." - What does it say? It certainly does not say what your question implies that it said.

The article is about the California drought, not droughts in general.

Actually, you are talking about pseudo-scientists who get support from the corporate and their secret monopolies on media.

What's your PhD in?

So why do science skeptics still believe that so-called "global warming" will cause droughts? Why can't they accept the science? Is it because the science shows them the reality that they refuse to accept?
