> Conventional wisdom (aka the Nobel Prize global science plot) says most remaining fossil fuel needs to be not burned. Ho

Conventional wisdom (aka the Nobel Prize global science plot) says most remaining fossil fuel needs to be not burned. Ho

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We have the technology today to cut Co2 emissions in half, however these methods won't allow politicians and hack "scientists" to continually scare the public, increase taxes, or reduce individual freedoms so they will never be used. How sad.

You've hit sensitive nerves. Nobel Prize is publicity. Pure, unadulterated. No, make that pure adulterated. The Nobel foundation? An attempt to soothe a guilty conscience for having killed his own people, his own family, capitalizing on dynamite. Politicians saying anything to get their way: Gore, Obama. I add Pachauri. Global Warmers either ignore or are just not aware of the track record of their horses. Hmm. Le Duc Tho? In spite of his fierce opposition to (mostly liberal-led/misguided) forces, he doesn't seem (to me, anyway) to be on the same level, and why is Arafat included in your list? He was just an Arab terrorist, not an environmental terrorist.

Now to your question: I agree that we should reduce consumption of fossil fuels. I propose a sort of carbon tax, but I call it "Patriot Tax", which would charge huge import duty for other than domestic oil. It would turn huge deficit spending into economic growth and confidence. Patriotism reborn. Pay off the 14 trillion debt. Peace (lack of weapons at least) in the middle east.

I doubt that the "Money Masters" (financial elites) will finance ideas that earn them a net loss. The unfortunate changes that seem to be inevitable in the energy supply industry will come at a cost of which will either be governmentally subsidized or will be very inefficient (comparable to today's energy sources). Financial ELITES will definitely not sacrifice their fortunes willingly nor will they sacrifice their current ease of movement throughout the planet.

b) non-carbon fuels (developed for reasons other than carbon tax)

look at hey dooks post

Question is from Hey Dook, so others can answer. Not that the IPCC Nobel Prize is not a science prize, but rather the Nobel Peace Prize also won by Yasir Arafat, Le Duc Tho, and even Barack Obama in just his first year and nominated within in his first month,

a) economic disincentives (carbon tax)?

b) non-carbon fuels (developed for reasons other than carbon tax)

c) cap and trade limits

d) direct emission regulations

e) global economic collapse

f) other

g) Al Gore, the sky is falling because it's the sun and global cooling melting glaciers?