> Are global warming zealots in the EPA putting the US power supply at risk?

Are global warming zealots in the EPA putting the US power supply at risk?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The EPA has been at war on American prosperity for some time but it turned into an all out war when Obama took office. The current EPA cares not an iota about American interests or prosperity. It is all about appeasing big money campaign donations from green (red) wackos who also don't have any interest in American prosperity. They belong to a cult that worships the Earth and demonizes humanity. Was that an exaggeration? Sadly no.

Meanwhile China is building coal fired plants at a break neck pace

They will if they insist on shutting down coal fired generation sooner than the grid operators would like.

Goreham is just another a**hole denier with no education in climate science. he is so fr behind, that he thinks AGW is natural Even most of the deniers are smarter than that. He is also the only one I have seen predicting electrical outages Go a little research before linking to BS like this dailycaller is a lame link at best

"Peg - renewable sources for energy are not reliable as germany figured out -"

(and a forbes link) you seem to have not actually read

It states that this is failing not because wind power is unreliable, as you are trying to claim but because they have not actually installed what they where supposed to, only 45 megawatts when the plan called for 25,000 megawatts.

No energy source works if you don't actually install it, that is true whether it's coal, nuclear or wind power.

As for the EPA, I note you mention China where there is no EPA, do you want the air quality they have. Even the Chinese have now realised they have made a grave mistake and are taking steps to improve air quality although it will be expensive


Actually the coal stations that are going to be shut down, should be as they are old inefficient stations without FGD, the problem is no one is thinking of building new ones to replace them.

Just read this http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/04/23/am...

Excellent point: Because coal producers and the energy producers who use fossil fuels have not been ethical, we are facing problems.

That is why we (the US) should be investing more into alternative energy sources, and removing tax breaks for fossil fuel producers and users.

And, I really appreciate your point here, that there are idiots who think Obama is to blame.

It is so hard to realize that these science-deniers are helping to bring the world to economic collapse within forty years, due to hundreds of millions of people losing their homes, food, and sources of water.

Most readers don't know that the author of the article you cited is a science-denier. His propaganda organization's (International Climate Scientists) website is filled with lies and misinformation.

We are all glad you are calling him out, showing us an A class idiot!

thank you!!!

In 2011 an enormous blackout affected millions of people in California, Arizona and Mexico--the only thing left on the grid were the renewables.

Good point about China....Some of their cities sport horrific, smog-filled air, and we don't seem to be seeing any criticism of this phenomenon. Not much about ending the rapid burning down of the Amazon rain-forests either.

The EPA is at war with the American power grid, this has nothing to do with the environment, they are even shutting down hydo-dams and that's the cleanest power there is.

Environmentalists Win Fed Backing to Shut Down 4 Hydro-Electric Power Plants


Protesters Shut Down World's Largest Hydro-Electric Dam Project


Let's face it, the Commies are in charge.


From the link

"Eight of the top ten of PJM’s all-time winter peaks occurred in January 2014. Heroic efforts by grid operators saved large parts of the nation’s heartland from blackouts during record-cold temperature days."

In other words, the answer to your question is, "No." A record demand can only be met with a record generating capacity, and it was.


If "Global Warming" contnues uncontrolled and unabated by 2030 we will no longer have a US power supply to wory about!

by all means, we need more Mercury and Air Toxics.

if coal fired plants cannot adapt, let them die like typewriter and 8track tape manufacturers.