> So what happens in 2030 when the population reaches 9 billion?

So what happens in 2030 when the population reaches 9 billion?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hi, I'm about your age too and the future can seem daunting. It is impossible to say what will happen but if there is a population crisis then it will depend on which country you live in.

If you live in a country with not a very big population then it will be less bad but if you live in a country with a higher population then houses will be more expensive. It might be harder to get a job. Cities might expand massively. Roads will be jammed massively.

Anyways, the future is always uncertain and if your really concerned then maybe you could go into politics and see what you can do. :)

For 50 years, the demographers in charge of human population projections for the United Nations released hard numbers that substantiated environmentalists’ greatest fears about indefinite exponential population increase. For a while, those projections proved fairly accurate. However, in the 1990s, the U.N. started taking a closer look at fertility patterns, and in 2002, it adopted a new theory that shocked many: human population is leveling off rapidly, even in developed countries, with the rest of the world soon to follow. Most environmentalists still haven’t got the word. Worldwide, birthrates are in free fall. Around one-third of countries now have birthrates below replacement level (2.1 children per woman) and sinking. Nowhere does the downward trend show signs of leveling off. Nations already in a birth dearth crisis include Japan, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Russia – whose population is now in absolute decline and is expected to be 30 percent lower by 2050. On every part of every continent and in every culture, birthrates are headed down. They reach replacement level and keep on dropping. It turns out that population decrease accelerates downward just as fiercely as population increase accelerated upward, for the same reason. Any variation from the 2.1 rate compounds over time. Cities are population sinks-always have been. Although more children are an asset in the countryside, they’re a liability in the city. A global tipping point in urbanization is what stopped the population explosion. As of this year, 50 percent of the world’s population lives in cities, with 61 percent expected by 2030. In 1800 it was 3 percent; in 1900 it was 14 percent. Urbanization is a natural population sink.

What will happen (if you're very lucky) is you will be middle aged & vibrant but its more likely you will be a slightly overweight, paunchy couch potato that lethargically watches the antics of the other 9 billion on some kind of holographic 3D entertainment system

Africa will be the bread basket of Europe by then & Brazil will be the bread basket of the Americas.


Hope you like bread!.

Power from natural sources will be universally abundant world wide & may be provided free by the government as long as you live exactly the way the government tells you to.

Read the book "1984" for more details.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention there will still be storms,earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, wars etc. just like now & with more people covering more areas there will naturally be more fatalities & suffering but with a total population of 9 or 10 billion no one will pay much attention to occasionally losing a few million here & there .

Good luck in your brave new world.

Our current population of 7 billion would've been unthinkable in the 70's when the population was 3 billion. What got better was food production and distribution, look at where the produce in your grocery stores are from, that wasn't always the case. We'll be at 9 billion sooner than you think but we would just have to be more efficient at food production but we have hardly even approached our limits. When all the daily activities of every man, woman and child are entirely dedicated to food production and acquiring fresh water as well as all of our fuel use, then we will reached our absolute limit and 9 billion people would not stretch us to that extent. With luck, cultural changes such as the education of women and fair career opportunities will diminish our reproduction enough to stabilize the population, the developed world have already showed birth rates which without immigration would reduce populations.

If we all lived in one city with the population density of Manila we would all now fit into Florida. The increase to 9 billion would mean that we should have picked Kansas instead.

Hopefully in the next 4 years, Space crafts will be exploring other planets in our Universe for homesteading for everyone's future. Mike

Probably be pretty much the way things are now. My understanding is you could put the world's population in Texas and each person would still have enough room for a garden. Overpopulation is just another Leftist lie and scare tactic.

Here is a good place to start and explore this mythical 'problem.'



Hopefully, food supplies will hold out.

The demographic transition has largely neutralized the threat of over population.


If they all turn up at the same restaurant on the same night and all order the soup, then there will be chaos.

Proabably we need to go the MOON then, or MARS perhaps.

The population is scheduled to be 9 billion by 2030 and 10 billion+ by 2050 I will be young and vibrant still because I'm only 14 but what will happen to us young folks when this happens?

Everyone under 30 will be killed and we will start over again.

So what do you want to do? Cut off penises?

God will provide