> What do you think of "pervection"?

What do you think of "pervection"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's a joke. The Reynold's number for the gas flow in their demonstration experiment was around 6 (assuming they injected about 50 mL of air into the first cylinder and half of that moved into the second cylinder), so all they did was show that laminar flow through a 100-m tube with a 4 mm I.D. is slow. Which it is when the pressure gradient is small.

My hunch is they are assuming that the only way mass can move through the tube is by "conduction" which they take to be molecular diffusion. But when they add the air to the first cylinder, it sets up a pressure imbalance, and that generates mass flow from the first to second cylinder. The flow is slow because the pressure differential is small, but it's just air moving from one tube to the other.

So their concept of pervection is insane, and without that, the rest of their argument falls apart. Their paper would be laughed at in a reputable physics journal.

A new mechanism of transferring energy is discovered? Something that has eluded the laws of thermodynamics? Despite the fact that we've been transferring heat through things in engineering for centuries? And you then report this astonishing discovery without a single mathematical equation to describe that process, only some vague hand-waving statement about a few seconds? And then you try to demonstrate the concept with some video of a Newton's cradle showing conservation of momentum, which has nothing to do with energy since it isn't conserved in a Newton's cradle because you can hear the 'click' of the balls?

That's not physics ... it's ********.

As you will probably hear from warmers here, I am not an alarmist, or a warmer, but an considered by a few here to be a "denier". Personally I don't buy pervection. I get the concept of some energy being expressed as kinetic energy, but it seems to have any notable impact on the total energy, you would literally have to see a notable rise in how far the atmosphere extends. This rise should have been seen and as far as I know it has not.

I think what they term 'pervection' is already included in the greenhouse effect. When a greenhouse gas molecule absorbs longwave energy it gains kinetic energy which we perceive as heat. This energy can be transferred between vibrational energy, light energy or kinetic energy until it reaches a level high enough for the energy to escape into space unimpeded. The thing they do not explain is where the original excess energy came from. It came from the Sun, heats the ground, and further warms the atmosphere via the greenhouse effect after that energy is released as heat. Retention of more energy in the troposphere results in more heat and more 'pervection'.


They have given a name to the MECHANICAL transfer of energy, which apparently didn't have a name. I would have thought of a better name than "pervection" --- but I guess that's a better name than no name at all.

This means that "pervection' is not new, nor is it newly discovered --- only the name is new.

I don't think anyone is claiming to have discovered a new mode of energy transfer.


That reads exactly like a piece of Creationist gibberish with a few appropriate substitutions.

More accurate is this representation of Ma and Pa Denier/Creationist science:

My first reaction was that it was nonsense.

I subsequently did NOT change my mind!

This should clinch it: "We carried out laboratory experiments to measure the rates of pervection in air, and find that it is much faster than radiation, convection and conduction."

Faster than radiation !?!?!

If true it could be a useful discovery :)

Warp 6 Mr Sulu!

I for one get suspicious of 'experts' who state that they have written papers which they have "submitted for peer review at the Open Peer Review Journal" when they do not tell their audience that they own the bloody Open Peer Review Journal in the first place!

Here's the 'expert': http://globalwarmingsolved.com/about-us/

Here's the Open Peer Review Journal (note it ONLY contains papers by R and N Connolly): http://oprj.net/date/2014/01

And here's the oprj.net's WHOIS: http://whois.net/whois/oprj.net

Talk about pall-review!

pervection, convection It has about as much of an effect as sprinkling confectioners sugar on your cookies

Connolly is not a climatologist nor is he degreed in climate science, he is a chemist

My first thought was yes it is absurd, but second thoughts were well maybe there is something there, transmission of heat by pervection adiabatic lapse rate, hmm I think I need to think longer on this.

From Ottawa Mike's question.


A mechanism for transmitting energy through the atmosphere that, so far, has been overlooked by climate scientists.


I think it's absurd. Am I right or am I just a liberal alarmist?

What do you think of "pervection"?

Unlike Mike, who having laid his question for us, will now give it as much attention as your typical cuckoo, I will choose a best answer.

I love it, I just wish it was the fact.

I am not buying it. But it is interesting. It certainly is better than Bill Nye and Al Gore science, which the greenies on this site eat up.