> Is it the climate here? Is that why I'm short?

Is it the climate here? Is that why I'm short?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
People from hot climate zones, such as those found in many parts of Africa tend to be taller and leaner than people from cold climates, even if they weigh the same. The typical African body shape means there is a greater amount of skin surface for each unit of weight, this makes it easier to cool down. In cold climates where heat retention is important, there is less skin surface per unit of body weight.

This helps to explain why Africans are often tall, but there’s more to it – genetics and evolution.

The Dinka people live in hot climate zones, but not quite the hottest, that distinction goes to the Danakil or Afar people.

Through the generations certain genetic characteristics become more dominant or regressive and so you can have different tribes living in the same climate zones but with different physical characteristics such as height.

The fact they you’re living in Canada will have had very little bearing on your height. If you stay there and lots of future generations follow then it’s likely there will be a slow and gradual decrease in the average height.

Diet is an important factor, people who eat fresh fruit, vegetables, oils, pulses, nuts etc do tend to be taller than people who eat fatty, starchy or sugary foods. That comes down to nothing more than the fact that people with healthy diets are eating the right foods for body growth and they don’t have as much body mass for the skeleton to support and so it’s easier for it to grow upwards.

Another thing, boys mature slower than girls. By the time a girl is 16 she’s unlikely to grow much taller, but at 15? you’ve got another 2? years of growing yet to do. Based on the figures you’ve provided it’s likely you’ll grow to around 5’9?”, which means you’ll be a little bit taller than the average male but quite short for a Dinka.

The most important factor here is that your Mum is 5’1” and therefore you’ll have inherited some of that “shortness” from her.

Climate has nothing to do with your height. Genetics, age, and diet are much more likely to be a contributor to how tall you now. Eat correctly and exercise - you'll grow taller in no time.

The only connection between the ambient climate with your height would be if you are unable to grow enough food due to adverse climatic conditions.

Save this question and look back on it when you're twenty. You're due for a growth spurt.

I'm 5'5 and half 15 year old boy my mom is 5'1 and dad is 6'3 I come from the tallest tribe in Africa called the dinka but I don't know how I'm short my mom said that her parents are tall,my cousin aren't really that tall there like 6'0 to 6'3 and my friend is dinka too and he's 6'6 and half and 16 years old I live in Canada is it the climate here or my diet or when I sleep one summer I spent playing videos game till 6 to the morning everyday.I think that's what affect me because when I first came to Canada I was 6 and I was like the tallest in my class then I don't know what happen I start growing slowly.In grade 6 I had grew like 1 or 2 inches and I was very active went outside everyday and play sports that whole summer only it like 3 times a day and be outside the rest of the day.So what's effecting me from not getting taller? Please help I really want to know.