> Do you think the recent People's March advanced the Climate Change agenda or exposed it as a fraud?

Do you think the recent People's March advanced the Climate Change agenda or exposed it as a fraud?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Watching the videos of the People's Climate March (it even sounds Commie) and hearing the people call for revolution and socialism exposed it for what it really is. It's a purely political (Commie) movement to advance world socialism --- and that is ALL it is.

If you look at the list of organizations that supported it, it's almost 100% Left-Wingers.


It's Democrats and Communist and Socialist and progressives and Unions. In other words, it's everybody that wants to tear down America's capitalistic system and install themselves in places of power at the same time. And that is what it's all about, nothing more.


The earth is 4.5 billion years old and humans have existed for roughly 200,000 years. Oil has been used as a fuel source for roughly 100 years. At this point we've depleted roughly half of all of the known and easy to access oil reserves on the planet. The extraction and consumption of oil has been growing exponentially since the early 1900's. It looks OK in the U.S. because of "socialist" policies like the clean air act that protect our environment from the horrific scenario that is a modern reality in many of China's poorest cities. Capitalism assumes natural resources are infinite. Obviously they are not, hence multiple wars over oil and the roughly 1 billion impoverished people on the planet. There is a better way, and it isn't opposed to capitalism, it's renewable energy.

does your weather change every day or is every day the same so what is it in your mind the agenda is the study of climate change is tracking changes and its impact on the earth and its life forms Agenda implies a motive what is the motive the only one i see is knowledge how is that a fraud when its about facts the march brought attention to what facts demonstrate a trend thank yoi for your question

All the hot air at the march, and especially about it from true scientists, who made the numbers grow from 10K to 400K, certainly advanced climate change, but not enough to stop the new ice age caused by the sun, volcanoes, and Reptilians on snowmobiles.

Only 100,000 people marched. Clearly in a city of 7 million this was a very small number of people. It looks like they just don't care enough to save the planet.

Marching down the street doesn't affect climate change but it does leave a lot of garbage. Not very environmentally sensitive is it? I see a certain disconnect here.

It certainly exposes it as a leftwing cause. Lefties can't even distinguish their own causes from science. They think because they believe it, it must be so.

CR, communists don't accept AGW. You don't see the Chinese restricting coal. Your comment doesn't really address the question anyway.

It advanced their cause as much as other such marches helped other causes (like racial equality or whatever). It certainly didn't hurt their cause.

Advanced it, hence the question it raises awareness in turn can lead to action of people.

So what if Communists accept AGW. Communists use computers. By your logic, since you use a computer, you must be a commie too. Better get off you computer, confess your sins to an Amish priest, and become a patriot again.

Jim Z

Point taken about China. But it is Sagebrush who is using Communism as an ad hom against warmers.

For those who pay attention, it would seem to expose it as pure political, NOT scientific.

You rail against it so it must have done some good
