> Why are we so worried about global warming?

Why are we so worried about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Aren't we due an ice age?


Ice-ages come and go at 95,000 year intervals and are caused because of variations in the shape of Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

Most of the time the planet is in a slow cooling phase, but then when we enter the warming part of the cycle we have 12,000 years of comparatively rapid warming in which the planet regains the 7°C of heat that it previously lost. The warming phase is faster because multiple factors interact with each other leading to amplified feedbacks.

The last warming phase ended some 10,000 years ago and since then the planet has been very slowly moving toward the peak of the next ice-age, this will occur in about 70,000 years time.

The rate of cooling is very slow, it’s roughly 1°C every 14,000 years, so certainly isn’t something that anyone would notice in their lifetime.

The amount of warming that’s occurred recently has been enough to compensate for the cooling that’s happened since the last ice-age and as a result Earth is now warmer than at any time since at least the last but one ice-age.

Theoretically it would be possible to stave off an ice-age by manipulating the climate through the introduction of a balance of warming and cooling gases into the atmosphere.

Yes we are due for another ice age, they are the norn, the interglacials last between 10and 11 thousand years it has been 12 thousand years now since the last one, as for CO2 the ordovician period had an ice age when CO2 was five times higher than now.

No, an ice age is not due for tens of thousands of years. Meanwhile global warming is causing weirder weather.

Btw, there has never been an ice age with the current concentration of greenhouse gases and solar output. The laws of physics still apply.

Because the global warming nut jobs for some reason seem to think that colder is better than warmer, but strangley enough none seem to be emigrating towards the poles.

Many people believe that the rampant pollution in the past 150 years has corroded the Earth's atmosphere. People pollute all day, every day with cars, factories, airplanes and so forth. They are worried that the carbon emissions are absorbed into the atmosphere. This thickens the layers. So more heat can be trapped. This phenomena is known as the "Greenhouse Effect."

I'm not worried. You shouldn't worry either.

Then you can rephrase your question like this: Why are THEY so worried about global warming?

And I can answer it like this: Because they are an embarrassing bunch of idiots.

global warming caused the first ice age to happen. it then ended it soon after.

Worried because government needs their tax money...tax the coal industry and others by using global warming, oops I told you the scheme

Stubby: Wonderful! 'Solent Green' is a fictional movie. (Actually Soylent Green.)

Evolution is fictional. May your ancestors were monkeys, but mine weren't

GW is a myth.

You batting average is still .000.

In direct answer to your question:

Quote by Nobel Prize Winner For Chemistry, Kary Mullis: “Global warmers predict that global warming is coming, and our emissions are to blame. They do that to keep us worried about our role in the whole thing. If we aren't worried and guilty, we might not pay their salaries. It's that simple.

Don't hold your breath 10-20,000 years

Aren't we due an ice age?

no one is worried

watch Solent Green

or this video