> Is it time for alarmists to start panicking?

Is it time for alarmists to start panicking?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
NO, because as I stated previously many alarmists cannot understand what a newspaper is or what it's functions are.

They can't get their heads around the fact that it is printing a story about the taxpayer funded UK Met office and not either making it up or commissioning the research itself.

Facts be damned, in their heads it's warming and warm is bad. Real world observations and common sense have no place in their lives.

Edit thanks to Patrick and ****** for proving my point.

Why should they be panicking? There will be lots of science to do if they need to explain how you can double the concentration of the greenhouse gas that keeps earth from being a frozen ball, and not have a profound impact on the earth's solar energy balance. They would have a miracle to explain but of course they would use science to explain it... but of course they won't need to explain such an eventuality because doubling the concentration of CO2 is having a profound impact on the earth's solar energy balance and is causing a transformation of the earth's climate systems. And climate scientists still have lots of explaining to do anyway. Scientists follow the facts.

There are many factors having been ignored. Scientists have to work out better ideas.

If it shows anything, it shows that climate is not well understood. Not well enough understood to keep pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Besides, did you consider that Earth could be warming at a rate slower than expected because of the yellow ball in the sky and the Asian bown cloud?



how do deniers explain the fact that 99% of their research comes from popular magazines and popular news outlets whereas the reality of global warming science is done from peer reviewed scientific journals?

Panicking because of a David Rose/Daily Mail article?

You Brits do have a sense of humour!

What do you mean? temperatures are not rising as fast as predicted?

They are not rising at all!

They are still figuring out a way to tax us.

Al needs a nap.

You've asked this same question several times in slightly different ways.

I'm pretty sure you have all our opinions at this stage!

because temperatures are not rising as fast as predicted?
