> Global Warming vs Gobal Cooling?

Global Warming vs Gobal Cooling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Both of them are scams. Global Cooling was a scam generated by scammers back in the 60s and 70s.

Life magazine of January 3, 1970, stated: “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support . . . predictions” such as: “In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution,” and “increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect earth’s temperature, leading to mass flooding or a new ice age.”

The Earth has been adjusting its temperature long before even your grandparents came upon the earth. It is natural. The Earth has been hotter and the Earth has been colder. It is normal and nothing to be afraid of. The purpose of these evil people, who create this atmospheric confusion, is to scare you.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

So don't be afraid of either warming or cooling. Fortunately the temperature of the Earth is beyond man's control.

There have been reports saying over last century global temperature has increased by around 0.75 deg C.

The blame is on GHG(green house gas) which is said to be the main reason for global warming. also another factor is entropy!!! (entropy of universe is always increasing).

One way of global cooling is volcanic eruption wherein the dust prevents sun rays from reaching earth thereby cooling it.

But warming rate is more than cooling rate!!!!!.

There is too much greenhouse gases in the Earths atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide, the main gas responsible for Global Warming is still building up as we pollute the Earth. The Industrial Revolution was the beginning of humans influencing Global Warming and Ice Caps started melting and water levels started rising. Deforestaion increases Global Warming because the trees help clean the air. There is no way there is going to be Global Cooling because of all these reasons -_-

Humans wont be changing their ways any time soon -_-

Not so sure about either at this time. Based on the current record global warming appears to have stopped and even partially reversed. Based on some lines of scientific thought and current with projected solar activity it is believed that global cooling is coming. Based on data available I beleive this far more than I do AGW. I also FEAR global cooling FAR MORE than I fear global warming.

Here are a few links.

1. World is cooling. Sea ice is expanding. Many good sites referenced.


2. Weather trend data linked to solar activity. This article references IPCC as well.


3. This link goes to a number of technical documents data etc detailing the correlation and likely causation between solar activity and the earths climate patterns.


4. This report was presented at the International Conference on Climate Change. It is a detailed look at the solar cycle, its correlation to global climate patterns and predicts fairly dramatic cooling over the next decade.


5. This link is from some researchers at the University of Wisconsin who have made the first mathematical model that can predict with reasonable accuracy, climate trends. Based on their model, they show that Climate change is almost entirely natural. If you read the article you might get as I did, the impression that the scientists were surprised to learn that man has so little effect.


8. Web site describing satellite data for looking at weather trends on the earth


9. Solar Activity tracking data


13. Thermohaline model for oceanic currents could have been proven wrong.


16. Global Cooling. Coldest in a century by 2012. Article dated June 17, 2009


29. the forthcoming Grand Minimum


There are many factors, human and natural, that influence the temperature of the atmosphere. Some cause warming and some cooling. Generally climatologists believe that without human effects there would have been little change or perhaps slight cooling over the past 160 years.

Human activities cause a net warming effect of about 1.6 Watts/Square-Meter (WM2). The sun gives us about 240 WM2, so human activity is adding about 0.7% more energy and is causing warming overall.

The addition of greenhouse gases add about 2.9 WM2. Other activity such as particulate pollution reduces that by about 1.3WM2.

If your friend believes that the earth's atmosphere has cooled over the past 160 years, she is nuts; she is obviously unaware of what is going on.

The atmosphere is warming.


The affect of humans is net warming.



Your friend should remove her head from her tookus and smell the climate. We are in the midst of global warming not cooling. We have generated enough man made greenhouse gases to fuel global warming til beyond 2100 so don't expect to see global cooling anytime soon

There is no such thing as global warming. It's just a corrupt political agenda.

Is there an echo in here?

A friend of mine said she believes in global cooling as opposed to global warming.

So I wanted to get more opinions on this subject? Is global warming over and global cooling is now starting?

Please add links if possible :))

Thanks :)