> With radical Islam on the rise and seeking nukes, does this make worrying about "climate change" a total FOOLS

With radical Islam on the rise and seeking nukes, does this make worrying about "climate change" a total FOOLS

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Firstly the climate has always changed and always will and the small amount of warming the planet experienced over the last several decades WAS NOT MAN-MADE.

Ebola is being ignored while we spend billions each year on the climate SCAM.

This is what happens when politics corrupts science. There are a lot of people getting rich from the hundreds of billions that have been poured into the climate scam. That gravy train has been rolling for more than 30 years already. The Alarmists that have foisted this scam on the peoples of the world should be held accountable for all the wasted money and children scared into sleepless nights.


Perhaps it's a solution, a systematic sterilization of the middle east by nuclear weapons could effectively slow down the availability of fossil fuels for thousands of years and invoke a nuclear winter.

The unfortunate issue is that extremism exists in many religions and even in topics such as global warming. Radical Islam is just the visible aspects of the problem that such unreasonable people exist and they exist everywhere.

If "Radical Islam" factions ever finally find a successful way to rapidly over run the tiny sliver of land that is now Israel & capture Israel's nukes, I'm sure we will quickly discover the climate effects of multiple nuclear detonations all over the western world. .


Israel has been a clandestine nuclear power for 40+ years now & is estimated to hold at least 60+ nuclear weapons.

OK, now you have 2 serious potential problems to worry about.

you're welcome!

As far as Catastrophic Climate Change goes, it always has been a game of Fools and Scam-Artists.

There's also starvation, poverty, crime, and probably many other things I could name if you gave me a few minutes to think about it. But, intelligent people can worry about, and take actions against, more than one problem at a time.

What you're saying is a little bit like saying I shouldn't worry about whether the rags next to the radiator might start a house fire, because there are criminals with guns out there, and I might die of swine flu. The appropriate measures to deal with a possible house fire from careless placement of rags are not in any way contradictory with the appropriate measures to deal with armed criminals and virulent diseases.

Similarly, the appropriate measures to deal with Islamic terrorists are not contradictory with, and may even be *helped* by, measures to convert to non-fossil fuels. If we don't need Arab oil, then we can more readily leave Muslim countries to sort themselves out, instead of being imperialistic and playing favorites to keep the black gold flowing. This would significantly reduce the interest of radical Islam in Americans, I suspect.

Climate change is a political money game fostered upon the goofs who believe this nonsense. Islam has nukes and will use them. Beware!

It is oil that funds radical Islam. Isis, like Al Qaeda and the Taliban, is funded by Saudi princes. The family Saud was put in power by Wahhabis and they continue to support the Wahhabi offshoots around the world.

If radical Islam is your concern, remember that every gallon of gas you buy helps fund them. Were the market for oil dramatically reduced, they would not have the funding for weapons and propaganda that they now have.

YES, since Man Made Climate Change mean no life at all. Mike

It just shows that people being gullible is the main problem, instead of thinking for themselves they follow leaders and believe what they are told to such an extent that they are willing to strap on explosives and blow themselves up, the same is happening with global warming, people will believe anything they are told if they told it often enough.

You talk about "radical Islam... seeking nukes", but the only country that has EVER used nuclear weapons is the good ol' US of A. Not only that, but we have more active warheads than any other country. In 1961 the U.S. accidentally dropped two bombs in North Carolina that came close to exploding. Sorry if I don't find the outside threat regarding nuclear weapons to be that worrisome.

Ignoring climate change is like smoking cigarettes--the odds are against it killing you on any particular day, but in the long run the damage it does is inevitable.

As far as Catastrophic Climate Change goes, it always has been a game of Fools and Scam-Artists.

Kerry wants the military to fight the weather , shooting bullets into storm clouds . AGW is a fantasy ISIS is real

humanity has multiple problems. Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?

No, we can work on both problems at once.

Especially if deniers wake up and notice the data.

President Obama doesn't seem concerned? "Who won that last round?"

there are criminals with guns out there, and I might die of swine flu.

A 1 m rise of sea level will inundate 1,810 square km of land in Gujarat, 1,220 square km in West-Bengal, 670 square km in Tamil Nadu, 550 square km in Andhra Pradesh, 480 square km in Orissa, 410 square km in Maharashtra, 290 square km in Karnataka, 160 square km in Goa, and 120 square km in Kerala


It would take 9 H-bombs to do that much damage.

Madd Maxx

Your pants are on fire.


Nah. It's only conservatives that can only deal with one thing at a time.

And tea party that can only deal with one thought at a time.
