> Is climate change considered ecology?

Is climate change considered ecology?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
does climate change fall under the scientific field of study known as ecology?

No but climate change policies are ruining ecology as shown by this article


You have three deniers answers and each has tried to play a different denier theme "it's false", "it's politics", it's a religion of Envromentlism" (P.S. there's an "i" Environmentalism, whoops)

But we can't keep trying to spell check deniers or we would be here all day.

AGW is science, a look at any science site would tell any deniers if they weren't afraid to acknowledge that, of course mention this to them and they start trying to pretend their own political hack sites are science sites, one of your three deniers here tried to do that with Heartland's site, it's sad to watch these guys really, they just have no clue what real science is.

But more to your question the two are certainly linked.


One will affect the other and in fact already is, the ecology of the Arctic is changing and it is already affecting life there, many of the projected changes are still decades away yet denier still try to claim these have not happened yet, odd given that they are not expected to happen.

AGW is not ecology, but ecology is the study of the interactions of life and climate plays a part in that, whether deniers like it or not.

e.g. melt in the Arctic permafrost regions is leading to the formation of thousands of new season lakes, that is certainly affecting the local ecology.

Deniers have a common theme as seen in the listed answers try to make this all sound religious or environment or political. Sadly those of us here that they refer to as 'alarmist' usually post links to real science sites, while it is they who post links to political hack and conspiracy sites or even just blogs, because sadly that's all they have and they know it.

Here's a test ask them to post some actual science and watch what they post, it's laughable.

As for the real science try these


While deniers try to continue the myth we are cooling (and have been for 15 years)

2013 is so far the 7th warmest year in the modern record (based on the Jan to Sep data)

The warmest 2 years, being not 15 years ago but 8 & 3 years ago.




Sadly deniers have become little more than internet trolls who change theories at the drop of a hat and will support almost any theory if they think it knocks AGW, to date they have peddled over 170 such theories, none have stood up to real scientific scrutiny.

Deniers know this, so now they try to invent conspiracy theories.

The study of climate change mostly comes under the category of geophysics, though it has ecological implications as well.

yes, since the environment includes the atmosphere and climates.


: a science that deals with the relationships between groups of living things and their environments

: the relationships between a group of living things and their environment

example: "Plant Ecology looks at the differences and similarities of various plants in differing climates and habitats"

According to Wikipedia, ecology is the interaction of organisms with their environment. Global Warming is just about the environment.

So, if you wanted to talk about the impact of Global Warming on African Tree Frogs, then that could be ecology.

If you want to talk about Global Warming and its possible influence on the weather or even just Global Warming by itself then that would not be ecology.

If you talk about the right things, yes.

Ex: animals give of certain chemicals (humans burning fossil fuels which gives off co2) that affect the ecosystem.

NO= its considered history since Global warming ended 2012. Mike

It does not fall under any discipline since it is false science

Its a religon in the Envromentlism cults

No , this should go under religion .

does climate change fall under the scientific field of study known as ecology?