> Is this the true cost of climate change policies?

Is this the true cost of climate change policies?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

That is what happens when greenies rule. Now you have something tangible which is denied by the greenies and yet they clutch at the intangible Climate Change. And the sad part about it, they don't seem a bit remorseful about these tragic deaths which were caused by their actions and support.

Their philosophy is, "So you kill off a few people and let them die a horrible death, we are out to save the world." And they see nothing wrong with that. In fact, that goes along with their plan of population control.

Quote by Christopher Manes, a writer for Earth First! journal: "The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing."

Gary F: Those threats were not against a climate scientist. They were against, Phil Jones, a climate con artist, an admitted liar and a corrupter of data, which we cannot recover. A true climate scientist does not lie and doesn't have to.

The emails, in reality, probably came not from deniers but from people who were hurt because of Phil's actions. You see, Phil's admitted lies hurt a lot of people. Obviously in your stupor you can't realize that. You can't realize that 1900 people died due to cold in the UK because of Phil Jones' admitted lies. Your insensitivity is disgusting. Wake up and face reality, for once!

Gary F: You're pathetic. "The end justifies the means." Is a Karl Marx quote. Ha! Ha!

AGW predicted severe cold and snow along with a warming planet. Some places are cold or will experience cold and some are warm and will experience intense heat..........why do you think it is referred to as climate change???

Climate policies do not control the weather or the gradual changing of climate. Regardless of the direction an area falls in, the very young and old will be the victims. Just like they will be victims of storms, food and water shortages.

if you really cared, you would help people understand what climate change may bring and donate to the world food bank

It all depends on the way you view things . Look at it this way , good and bad , or good and evil . The climate people worship the Earth , this is of evil , we are not to worship of what He has given us but to worship Him who gave it to us . To worship the Earth as it has been done for the past years is just a way to let true evil into your hart , It may have come in looking really good ,but it was still evil .

>> but are happy to let our aged die now.<<

You might want to rethink that one.

Better still, why don't you take a stand against Deniers sending death threats to climate scientists?



edit –

>>Death threats by anyone to anyone is despicable<<

True words.


Sagebrush –

You’re pathetic. It’s no wonder that you are so fond of quoting Nazis. The end justifies the means, right?

Ridiculous. This is probably more a function of flu severity than anything else.

Don't you read anything but garbage links?

well may be.. because all the fingers of a hand are not same..

Yet another lie
