> When will it snow in London 2013-2014?

When will it snow in London 2013-2014?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It doesn't usually snow until late January or February. It is far too warm at the moment to snow here in London. According to the website linked, the 20th December, but as forecasters don't seem to be able to get the weather correct at the best of times, I don't hold out much hope.


Global Warming ended last year in 2012 and all 4 season's have returned to normal naturally and earth's environment has been in good shape for the last thousand years. If you did'nt have snow before 1977, chances are you'll never have snow again. Mike

It snowed on the 20th of December last year

Snow in London in december is very rare, the time before last was 33yrs ago, much more likely in February, or March.

No crystal balls here but you can go to http://weather.com

type in a city and get a ten day forecast and you can find some country specific stuff once you are there

According to jack frosts twitter, yes it will

I live in Durham and it says on my phone... ( I asked Siri) lol and it said Wednesday

It's December now and I remember last year or the year before it was snowing , but I forgot when , so does it snow on December ? I know that it snows on January and febuary but will it snow on December ? Please help I love the snow btw! :).