> If the Koch brothers support PBS and medical research, is it okay that they contribute to global warming?

If the Koch brothers support PBS and medical research, is it okay that they contribute to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Clearly PBS and medical research are beneficial to society.

If the Koch brothers support them, should we ignore that they deny global warming?

It is sort of like the Mafia giving a trickle of money to the Church or the poor.

It gives a veneer of respectability.

It's good that they fund medical research. That doesn't make their contribution to global warming right. And what sort of PBS programs are they funding; educational programs, artistic programs or propaganda programs?

No. Their funding of denial, which adds to their many billions of wealth by robbing from many future generations, should not ignored.

Bruce is right-on. Like the Mafia. Or Hitler building the Volkswagen car.

In their era, Carnegie and Rockefeller also assuaged their guilt at ruthless empire building, exploiting workers, etc. by providing charitable donations (on a larger scale and with more significant impacts than the Kochs), but they did not bankroll the most hideous campaign of anti-science lies in modern history, one that will most likely help notably damage the global economy for centuries to come.

They donate the money so they can control those. They also support college programs but they have say on who is hired and what they teach.http://www.tampabay.com/news/education/c...

You probably won't see environmental shows on PBS.

it is their money ,if they don't wont to put it on red and spin the wheel ,that fine , but since the choose not to support a fraud ,why get mad at them .

They have as much right to not believe in global warming, as you have to believe in it, they do a lot of good, and if they fight against the brainwashing and propaganda that goes with AGW, well then I applaud them.

I had no idea they farted that much.

Clearly PBS and medical research are beneficial to society.

If the Koch brothers support them, should we ignore that they deny global warming?