> How about some kind of limit on # of anti-science questions (per wk?) linked to denier sites & BAs given to deniers

How about some kind of limit on # of anti-science questions (per wk?) linked to denier sites & BAs given to deniers

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I accept I will confine myself to real questions, I have just spent many hours reading this article and watching some of the videos, this is very thought provoking and covers many aspects discussed here.

http://www.climate-resistance.org/2014/0... I particularly like "Fermats Last Theorem" even though I did'nt understand any of it, that showed real science at work.

Edit I would also like to unblock 'C' if he will agree not to post lots of videos on my questions, to keep it down to just his normal verbal abuse.

He just blacked me the last few days

In order to limit denier links you would have to limit their lunacy and beef up their intelligence

My partner and i suggest employing http://www.vpnmaster.org to unblock web-sites. I am using their services for more than 3 years without difficulties.

My spouse and i suggest employing http://www.vpnmaster.org to unblock web-sites. I am using their services for more than 4 years with no troubles.

We suggest using VPNPower in order to unblock sites. I've been with them since four years. http://www.vpnpower.net

as quid pro quo for unblocking (Kano?).

I am unblocking you now, Kano, for the time being, to answer this question only.

You may propose here your self-imposed limit. The name of the site is Answers, not Fake Anti-science Questions. Some of your questions are genuine, some are not. I think you are probably sufficiently informed to tell which is which.

I'd be willing to comparably reduce my own rhetorical questions (though they are not anti-science in intent).