> How did the ice age end?

How did the ice age end?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
that's actually an interesting question. well, the ice age ended because..... i don't know lol

ask atheists, they know a lot about science and those stuff

How did the ice age end?

Which one? There's a wide array of known factors which both caused as ended past ice ages (ie the Milankovitch cycles) and none of them disprove today's human caused global warming.


The earth going through natural warming and cooling cycles is well-understood and well researched and found not to be a factor in the current observed warming. For starters, these natural cycles need 'forcings' too, something needs to trigger the warming and/or cooling.

The 'forcings' (= reasons) for past natural cooling and/or warming events are well-known and all turn out not to be a factor in the current observed warming. If anything, one of these natural forcings (variations in the sun's output) should actually cool the earth while the exact opposite is observed.

Not only are all the natural forcings of past climate changes ruled out, the rate of the current observed warming is another key factor which makes the current observed warming different from past climate change episodes. Typically, past climate changes took thousands of years of slow but gradual warming/cooling giving earth's inhabitants (plants and animals most of the time) sufficient time to adapt to the changing environment.

The current observed warming is happening at a much higher rate (in 100 years the earth has warmed the same amount of degrees which during previous climate change episodes took several thousand years). It is this high speed of warming which is particularly alarming as it gives earth's inhabitants (plants, animals and nearly 7 billion people who all have to be fed) little time to adapt to the changing conditions (ie, sea level rise affecting coastal areas, agricultural changes which inevitably will have an impact on food production and prices, the spread of tropical diseases, etc.).

Increased CO2 in the atmosphere is what caused the last ice age to end (or at least for the ice sheets to recede; technically we are still in an ice age though we generally don't think of current conditions as such). Increased atmospheric CO2 has always caused the environment to warm, decreased atmospheric CO2 has always caused the environment to cool. It is by learning what happened with climate in the past that climatologists draw clues about what will happen in the future.

The primary difference between then and now is that the increase in CO2 and the resulting increase in temperatures is now happening about 25 more rapidly than happens naturally.

Now the outstanding question about the end of the last ice age is why CO2 started increasing. We know that some natural warming causes the oceans to throw off more CO2 which leads to more warming. But why did it start? The most likely is that warming started because of the cycles of the earth's orbit; the planet was a bit closer to the sun. But some researchers think the increase in CO2 came before the temperature increased, so might or might not be caused by orbit cycles.

The has gone through cycles of warming and cooling, always with greenhouse gases as the key factor. When you talk about major warming and cooling cycles you are really talking about major changes in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases (CO2 has always been the most important greenhouse gas except for very early in the planets history when methane was the most important.)

Natural cycles do not just happen magically. Saying it is natural does not explain the cause. There is always a physical cause, and the causes of past natural warming are not in play now. The warming of the last 120 years cannot be explained by natural factors. The increasing CO2 in the air is not coming from the oceans as in natural climate change (we know because of the carbon isotopes and because the oceans are also absorbing more CO2 as they warm and that never, never, cannot happen naturally.

Every change has a cause. Humans are causing changes to our atmosphere in multiple ways. The most important change we are causing is more CO2 in the air. We know from the earth history that increased CO2 in the air always always causes the atmosphere to warm. It is physics.

The fact is, nobody really knows as some of the changes were extremely rapid on a historical time scale, The rise in Co2 was up to 800yrs later than the ice melt, and was caused by warmer oceans giving off dissolved Co2.

If we cannot understand the process, how can we possibly predict the future.


The globe warmed.

I don't see anyone denying there are natural warming and cooling cycles, but that is not what is happening now The current acceleration of GW is man made. 97% of all climatologists are convinced of this and so are a majority of the world's climate organizations.


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If your theory is true, then we would have had more than one Ice Age. The Ice Age ended because the ice melted. DERR!

If mankind is the cause of global warming, then how did the ice age end? I don't believe we had cars, coal fired electric plants, etc. Doesn't this prove that the Earth goes through warming and cooling cycles?