> If we add more water to earth,will global warming go down?

If we add more water to earth,will global warming go down?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Since carbon dioxide is made of methane and water,we can add more water that will cool off the earth.

Reacting methane with oxygen produces carbon dioxide and water. After a few decades the methane in the atmosphere will be converted to oxygen, but the problem is that we are putting more there than can be converted by natural reactions. The amount of water that we can put into the atmosphere is limited by the vapor pressure of water which depends only on the temperature. Sven if we could figure out how to put large amounts there, it wouldn't stay as it would just rain out. Then, water itself is a greenhouse gas that contributes about 75% to the greenhouse effect, so putting more there would just cause the Earth to warm more. The simplest and easiest solution would just be to cut our greenhouse gas emissions.

First of all: Add more water? If we want to add more water to earth it would take a long time for the chemical reactions to finish and accually add more water. Or a comet, which contains a lot of water, should hit the earth. But that doesn`t really should nice :D

Second: Although many of you might disagree (because limited knowledge) but CO2 isn`t that important for the climate. The activity of the sun is what makes our climate change. There is a lot of proof that the sun changes the climate active while carbondioxide doesn`t. It is even shown that temperature changes with the activity of the sun. CO2 is 800 years behind (so if sun activity goes up, the temperature goes up and 800 years later the CO2 goes up). Of course we do not know for sure, since we can do research on climate not that long. Unfortunatly many people think it is because of the CO2 that the climate changes. This is because Al Gore and the Media (together with the IPCC) have manipulated some of the information and they also exaggerated the correct information. This made climate change to a sort of "religion" which causes to people like me (who do not believe it) to be hated, while we speak the truth :(

TIP: You might know "An Inconvenient Truth" of Al Gore. This documentairy shows how CO2 effects the Climate. I would watch: "The great global warming swindle" to see the other side of it.

ok, first of all carbon dioxide is not made of methane and water, it's made of carbon and oxygen.

Secondly, where are you going to get the water to "add" to Earth? If you're getting it from somewhere on this planet, you're not adding anything.

Adding water is not the solution to bring down the global warming. The main reason for global warming is the increasing amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. First of all we should reduce the exertion of CO2 in the atmosphere. This will stop making holes in the ozone layer and ultra voilet rays from the sun can't enter into the atmosphere of the earth. This will reduce level of global warming.

Better yet, why don't we cut a big vent hole in the Earth and let all of the heat out. Then the earth will cool and the glaciers won't melt so much, and sea level will not increase, and sky will not be dirt and polar bears will be happy and not drown so much.

And how do you propose we "Add water" when all moisture is ultimately circulating and continuing it's cycle? What were you thinking, turn on the hose? Where did that water come from? (The sky, which gets it's water from the ground.)

Simple science

And where exactly do you plan to get this water? Divert some comets to Earth?

Global warming is like a pot with cover with boiling water.

That's a pot noodle you're thinking of, not Earth.

for the life of me I can not understand why certain people want cold

Since carbon dioxide is made of methane and water,we can add more water that will cool off the earth.

That's it! You've solved the problem. Phew.

No. It's going to take more than that.