> Whats the different between the smoke and the dust?

Whats the different between the smoke and the dust?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
selective scattering caused smoke and non selective scattering caused dust....im confused on this situation

Tje smoke and the dusts are two things which is the result of the pollution. The smoke formed in case of less pollution and it is formed because of the selective scattering of the pollutants. In the non selctive scattering the dust is formed and in that the pollutants are not distributed equally.

Particle size, for sure. Smoke particles are angstrom size, which is why they block visible light so well. Dust is pretty large, 5 microns and up to visible size. This concept seeks to clump the smoke particles together to make big dust particles. I'm not an expert on this; the only way I know this has been done is with electrostatic precipitators.

The basic difference between both these things are their composition. Smoke is also a type of Dust.

Where there is smoke , there is fire----not just down there but up here with the smoke. Smoke is gaseous elements yes but with an overpouring of excess matter-of-energy oxidation to be deposited---it is high energy particulates unlike dust, which is not on fire...yet

Ashes to ashes , dust to dust. Put to rest or not, it walks the earth.

Smoke is a gas while dust is a solid.

Selective scattering is scattering that is wavelength dependent, so in the case of smoke long wavelengths are scattered more, which is why you have a reddening of the sky with smoke clouds. Dust particles are larger, and scatter all wavelengths equally (non selective scattering) and so dust clouds appear whitish.

Smoke is gaseous form but dust is solid form.

selective scattering caused smoke and non selective scattering caused dust....im confused on this situation