> Why all the fuss over climate change?

Why all the fuss over climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
When 10 million die yearly from infectious diseases, and 0.14 from climate problems, and only 0.003 from floods and disasters.

Not to mention insurrections and other government functions which cause needless deaths.

Climate change has never even been clearly defined. If something that is really that disastrous, shouldn't we at least give it a clear definition?

One of the main purposes of the Climate Change scare is to divert people's attention from the real problems caused by our governments. That is really what the fuss is about.

Elizabeth is a poster child for the inept thinking of an individual. Her description of the typical American is one that Goebbels would rejoice over. I can see her now, typing away at her fossil fuel powered computer, in the comfort of her air conditioned abode. She is readily influenced by those like Maurice Strong:

Quote by Maurice Strong, a wealthy elitist and primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable."

Have you seen where dear old Maurice gave up his steak, air conditioning, fossil fueled jet plane and refrigerator? No? Then you can see that Maurice wants you to give up those comforts but not him. That is what elitism is about and Lizzy just identified herself as one.

For the simple reason that a warming climate may make things worse for the very countries with people who die from infectious diseases like malaria, from drought, crop failure, starvation, etc.

It's easy for us in the West to sit in our air conditioned rooms, watch our widescreen HD TVs, sip our cold beer from our fridges, order the foot-long BLT 3000-calorie sandwich to our door, think about that SUV we always wanted to buy, and scoff at the 'fuss' of global warming. Sure, if you're American, you can always buy fresh water off the Canadians if you get a bit thirsty. I'd imagine you'd take the 'fuss' slightly more seriously if your crops had failed for the past 3 years due to drought.

So you kinda answered your own question ...

Sage: I'm not arguing politics or what to do over climate change. I'm simply pointing out that if you live in a wealthy country, the effects of AGW aren't likely to trouble you because you live in a country in which food, water, and energy are plentiful. It's also therefore probably true that the majority of skeptics and deniers live in such countries. It's easy to be sceptical of a problem that doesn't directly affect you. It's countries that don't have such wealth, and already have problems in terms of energy production, food production, drought, infectious diseases, etc that are more likely to suffer. I'm not sure where in my answer I suggested anything like the things you've ascribed to me, but then it wouldn't be the first time you've decided to read what you wanted to read in answers that didn't conform to your world view.

A 40% increase of CO2 since 1880 is the big scare. CO2 makes up .04% of our total atmosphere so the total change from 280ppm to 400ppm is really a change in our atmosphere of .012%.

Global average temperatures have risen 1.4 F since 1880. This means that average global temperatures have risen 0.1F per decade for over 130 years running.

Climate scientists who adhere to the "Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory" seem to always forget that temperatures have always fluctuated and that we have been emerging from The Little Ice Age that lasted from about 1350 until 1850. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_...

Most of the warming has to do with Natural Climate Change and Natural Global Warming. 500 years of a previously "cool" planet surely opens the door to warmer climate trends.


If you are talking about deaths due to warming of the atmosphere, let's not forget what happened in China when an estimated 9 million people died due to drought conditions that lasted for many years.


"In 1877-78, the famine was very severe in northern China. 9,500,000 said to have perished.90"

the earth is heating up and therefore melting the polar ice caps (measurably i might add). This increases the sea level and decreases land mass above sea level.

day b4 yesterday i uk more than 750 people died in a heat wave which hit the whole world :( that's y

Honestly, I have no idea what the fuss is.

Money , Taxes , Pilfering old and poor people , redistribution of wealth . greed .

because religions invariably, always attract fanatics.

because they are looking in the long run, like hundreds of years from now where it will pose even a BIGGER PROBLEM(emphasis on bigger!). the polar ice are melting so we might not see big changes today, but in 100-200 years you might see a big impact idk

When 10 million die yearly from infectious diseases, and 0.14 from climate problems, and only 0.003 from floods and disasters.