> Of what value are the oceans in moderating climate change?

Of what value are the oceans in moderating climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The oceans absorb sunlight

Oceans emit methane

Oceans do not reduce water vapor

Where are you getting all this crap you claim

The first answer "Oceans remove about 25% to 30% of the atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by humans." is correct. [1]

Kano is partially correct, clouds do reflect some of sunlight.during the day, they also reflect some of the infrared radiation back to earth at night. [2] (It is why it is colder on a clear night then on an overcast night)

Oceans remove about 25% to 30% of the atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by humans.

is the correct answer, but oceans also moderate our climate by warming up slowly and cooling down slowly so preventing temperature extremes, they also move heat from the surface by evaporation and condensation, and allow the earth to have clouds which reflect sunlight.

Oceans are the primary regulators on this earth. They use the currents there to transfer heat and cold to different areas of the planet and can, under the right circumstances, do so quite quickly. If there is a lack of greenery in some areas and a higher rate of CO2 then the algae in the oceans increase and through their respiration create O2 so that we can breathe. The oceans have done these things steadily as long as the earth has been around. In addition they provide condensed water vapor that creates rain and cools land areas. Pretty neat stuff.

In my opinion: Since Global Warming existed for 37 years and most young scientists think climate change might be in order does'nt really know about this our normal weather. As far as the oceans are concerned, the only areas all oceans reflect in weather is near all coastlines, except where the sun heats more certain parts of earth is are much warmer that inland areas and inland areas weather has nothing to do with any oceans on earth. IF Man were to make man made climate change now, they all life on earth would cease to exist. Mike

he seas blanket something like 71% of the Earth's surface and hold 97% of the Earth's water (see Trenberth 2001). Through their liquid movements, their high hotness limit, and their environments, the seas assume a focal part in molding the Earth's atmosphere and its variability. Changes in ocean level have real effects on beachfront locales and storm surges. In like manner, it is crucial to screen and comprehend changes in the seas and their impacts on climate and atmosphere, and enhance the verisimilitude of model sea reproductions. In this presentation, we layout these angles and give a defense to the sea variables that ought to be watched and the systems and strategies whereby this is attained.

Oceans remove about 25% to 30% of the atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by humans.

Oceans reflect sunlight back into space before the ultraviolet wavelengths are converted into infrared radiation

Oceans absorb about 40% of the methane out of the atmosphere that has been produced by rice paddies and livestock.

Oceans help to reduce the level of water vapor in the atmosphere through condensation and transpiration.

All choices are correct