> What do you think will happen if climate change?

What do you think will happen if climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
is not real (just assuming) and is found to be either false or inconsequential who do you think will carry the blame. politicians, scientists or MSM

I don't think anyone will carry the blame. It's hard to put an exact cost of the billions we've wasted fighting "climate change" and quite frankly that not the only thing governments have wasted billions on either. The temps will not go up as much as predicted. More and more people will realize that it's been blown completely out of proportion. Some people will point fingers at the politicians. The politicians will point fingers at the climatologists. The climatologists will say "Well, we did say temperatures they MAY rise UP TO 10C if we didn't spend billions of dollars fighting Global warming, but we never said they WOULD so were not responsible."

It will die a slow death and then the next big fear will come along and alarmists will claim that only a handful of scientists really believed CO2 caused global warming in the first place.

Watch The Day After Tomorrow.

I think politicians would be the ones blamed. Politicians are almost as bad as lawyers. This is why we pay attention to scientists. Not politicians. Not lawyers. Not bloggers. Not the David Icke's of the world. And so on.

Of course those politicians.When there's a political campaign, they use almost all of the things we use to communicate:ex.radio,television,politica... runs,and vehicles.Those politicians will be sorry if they discovered there is a rip in the ozone layer :)

Climate change is completely real. The earth naturally goes through warming and cooling cycles. No one is going to take the blame for it.

However, the ozone atmosphere is being depleted and that is not natural as far as I know. Still, no one is going to take the blame since we're all contributing to it (either by driving cars, buying products from factories, etc.)

Who cares? Blame will be the least of our problems compared to the need to find out why long established and widely accepted scientific laws, theories, and procedures all simultaneously failed to correctly account for and explain the empirical evidence.

If the truth got out to the ones who rely on the governments for their welfare and the money ran out. There would be bloodshed. I hate to think of it.

I think you'd be better served by turning the question around and asking it of yourself.

EDIT: "Millions and millions of dollars..." is nothing compared to the costs of climate change, THAT'S why you need to turn the question around and consider that you might know less than the vast majority of the world's climate scientists. Just in my home state (California) climate change would cost hundreds of billions of dollars. It quickly adds up to many TRILLIONS of dollars around the world, not to mention countless lives.

The denialists for being so continually and monumentally stupid that they damaged their cause so badly

is not real (just assuming) and is found to be either false or inconsequential who do you think will carry the blame. politicians, scientists or MSM