> Can anyone prove that there is a correlation between the CO2 level and Earth's temperature?

Can anyone prove that there is a correlation between the CO2 level and Earth's temperature?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Other than Al Gore's movie, of course

Yes - There is a definite and proven correlation between co2 and temps. Using the Vostock Ice Core data set, it's shown that co2 levels lag behind temps by some 800 years. Unlike the mantra that's spewed out today by the peer reviewed, selling you the theory you pay for "science", the actual data shows that rising temperatures are what causes rising co2 levels. Don't deny the science.

Wage slave and Jello got it right. There is a correlation but correlation isn't necessarily causation. In the past, the increased CO2 was driven by temperature. Alarmists would like to pretend it is different this time because humans are bad, capitalism is bad, industry is bad so therefore CO2 emissions must be bad and must be causing everything bad but so far haven't made a very good case for it.

Maybe the alarmist science cult can demonstrate their theory by starting with a controlled greenhouse experiment by just using CO2 (at 280ppm) and water vapor (humidity). Since they can remove and add CO2 at will, they can add 120ppm of CO2 while maintaining the same atmospheric moisture level. I'm sure the 0.012% change (addition) in CO2 will give them a rise in temperature of less than 0.0012% (0.3456C), since they know that CO2 is 9% to 26% of the greenhouse effect.

Of course, that would be a straight linear effect and the natural cooling effects (like wind) can be factored in later.

Here you are I put "correlation between the CO2 level and Earth's temperature" into the search engine on the NASA website and got 60,900 results, how much more evidence do you need?

I'm not sure about the "800 year" figure, but you are correct that temperatures tend to precede CO2 increases. The Alarmists have it exactly backwards.

If you look at Vostok ice core data, temperature drives CO2 concentration, not the othe way around. This is because a warmer ocean holds less CO2. In the graph, the upper line is CO2 and the lower line is temperature. The time scale goes back in time left to right.

97% of scientist excluding those you made up

yes but you don't want to hear it

yes. read up a physics book.

Other than Al Gore's movie, of course
