> Hey Dook asks a question about trends and predictions?

Hey Dook asks a question about trends and predictions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Quite correctly he says that it is difficult to predict the future, so can I ask why are we spending trillions of $$ on something we are not sure about

Climate Realist

It's called, better safe than sorry.

Uhhh... I know right. I want to spend trillions on the Earth's defence in preparation for the Martian invasion. Sure the money could be spent elsewhere, like on roads and clean water and medicine and other things that help people survive, but I'm reallllly scared of the Martians so it's much better spent to defend ourselves against them.

Sure, other people are skeptical about the Martian invasion but they are deniers. They look at reality and facts and don't really see anything to worry about.

Of all the places humans are wasting money and resources I don't see how you have come to trillion on predicting the future.

Scientific research has never been a waste of time or money and has in fact made our lives better than our grandfathers. Would anyone argue the investment in agricultural research a hundred years ago would save millions from starvation, or architectural engineers could build building to with stand earth quakes.

Understanding our climate has the benefits of preparing us for the future as well as illustrating necessary changes in our approach to life on the planet, cheap information for the money invested.

They are really getting desperate. It's hard to not feel a little sympathy for them. (sniff) I'll be okay.

Edit: Check out insurance industry profits. They did especially well in 2006. A big disaster, especially if it is highly publicized, is their best advertising. But mother always said "better safe than sorry", right? Mother made sure she didn't spend money she didn't have.

Hey Dook blocks people too often to care what he has to say.

It is a money laundering scheme.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

If I didn't know liberals believe everyone else is responsible for their hardships I'd start selling them AGW insurance.

He is right but that is because AGW will effect different places in different ways

The money is about doing what we can to reduce whatever impacts might be coming our way. Trillions??? Where is the link to that.

It's called, better safe than sorry.

The two best ways to fight global warming is to use less energy, which is money in peoples' pockets, and nuclear power, which is only a few cents per kilowatt hour more than coal. What price do you put on human lives.

By the way $1 trillion is $142.86 per person.

Quite correctly he says that it is difficult to predict the future, so can I ask why are we spending trillions of $$ on something we are not sure about