> How will climate change affect the ecology of the Southeast?

How will climate change affect the ecology of the Southeast?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I was glad to see that you called it Climate Change and not the GW word that the media likes to use to scare everyone.

It would become more tropical. It is unlikely to become a desert. We are already seeing the planting zones change. here is a map http://www.arborday.org/media/mapchanges... you can play the image. You can also click on the differences and see that some areas went down in zones although the majority went up.

This is a good article from NG http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocea...

This is a cool thing to play with http://flood.firetree.net/ i am hoping for the 60m rise then we could have ocean front property in memphis. Just kidding

you can raise and lower the sea level to see what area of the country would be effected.

It will tend to move towards a savanna in the lower coastal plain of the US if drought and insect attacks persist. Note that I said "move towards," not become. The forests will become less dense and the major production of forest will shift north.

read up on forest here.


I would either say desert, or grassland that is dry. I'm not totally sure though

I read that Florida's land mass will shrink due to raising sea levels...no kidding!


If global warming continues unchecked, what will the Southeastern U.S. look like in 100 years or so (other than partially submerged)? Will it be desert? Jungle? Grassland?

Serious, knowledgeable answers only, please, and please no stupid comments from climate change denialists. :)