> Why is it already cold and dark, middle of summer? No global warming?

Why is it already cold and dark, middle of summer? No global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Here in new york the sun already coming out late, days are shorter and it was 52 this morning. Its middle of summer. Whats up no global warming?

The longest day of the year is June 21. After that the days get shorter until the shortest day on December 21, and then they get longer again.

So astronomically speaking, June 21 is the middle of summer, not August. But Earth takes a log time and a lot of heat to warm up so the meteorological seasons are a couple months later than the astronomical seasons.

Anyway, it may by cold and dark in New York but it is hot and bright here in Texas. Low this morning was 72 and high to day is expected to be 102. The global temperature is the average all temperatures everyplace in the world, not just New York. That is why it is called global warming and not New York warming.

Scorpius: "Why is it already cold and dark, middle of summer? No global warming? Here in new york the sun already coming out late, days are shorter and it was 52 this morning. Its middle of summer. Whats up no global warming? "

Ah, the absolute brilliance of a global warming denier.

"Why are days getting shorter in August?"

Well, it's after the summer solstice. When days get shorter.

"52 this morning."

Ah yeah, that's weather. One cool night in NY is not indicative of climate around the world.

Yeah. The Sun coming up late is definitely due to global warming. And the Sun going down late is definitely due to global cooling right? I'm just worried when the Earth's elliptical cycle passes through the night time side of the Sun. We're all gonna freeze to death!

Weather is only weather and local until an alarmists tells you it's climate and global.

@Climate Realist...

"Weather is erratic whether earth is warming, cooling or showing no net change.It happened during the Medieval Warm Period and in 1934"

Wow. Nice to see you being skeptical of the erratic weather being caused by AGW claims. Other alarmists might start calling you a denier if you keep it up. .

The world is getting cooler, not warmer like the Alarmists say.


And there NEVER was ANY **man-made** Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Counter-intuitively, "warming" would suggest constant rise in temperature. In fact it is more gradual, involving erratic patterns. This year it may be cooler in summer, then warmer in winter. As this phenomena will continue, in about 50 years we will have considerable rise in temperature in all seasons, as well as drastic decreases. Crops may fail in cold summer, and winters may be warm enough to lead to dry spell in spring. 100 years from now, it will be even worse. Mind you, Earth will not explode or anything, but, there will be crop failures, 500 year storms occurring every other year or so, part of the mid U.S. become deserts or thereabouts, etc... Global warming is a phenomena which long-term leads to increase in temperatures, even if in short term there will be associated deep freezes and unseasonably warm weather at inappropriate times. So why is it so cold and dark in N.Y.? Well, after June 21 days do get shorter. Cold, well, what's to be expected of increasingly erratic weather patterns?

People have already explained that:

1) Days are shorter because we passed the summer solstice.

2) NYC is not the world, even if NYers like to think so.

It just remains to point out that things are colder and darker when it rains nearby.

Climate change brought about by global warming is probably happening.

I've heard of global warming, but I have never heard of New York warming. And you will never be able to grow palm trees in New York, not because Earth might never get that hot, but because it will never get that hot without melting the ice in Greenland and Antarctica, flooding New York.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.



Weather is erratic whether earth is warming, cooling or showing no net change.It happened during the Medieval Warm Period and in 1934.



The catch phrase you'll want to remember is "Climate Change".

It is happening. NY will be under water eventually, well a lot of it will be.

Here in new york the sun already coming out late, days are shorter and it was 52 this morning. Its middle of summer. Whats up no global warming?

NY is not the globe, who said it would be hot everywhere?