> I can change?

I can change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I wish some of the greenies would change their clothes more than once a year. In politics 'change' has become a bad word lately.

Yes. We all can change if we are determined.Change for the better.

We all change, we can change consciously and guide our own change, or unconsciously and bumble along. But we can't avoid change.

No. You grew up in a society that thrives off the ideals of greed and self-loathing. We strip this planet of its natural resources for our own personal use. We are just too smart for our own good. We are literally watching our planet fall into an endless pit of despair and there's nothing we can do about it.

Yes, you can change. Hopefully your change will be for the better.

Change your socks. The aroma is getting to be too strong.

u can never change

Everyone can all it takes is the right mind set and effort


Oh yes you can but why would you when you are doing so well