> Is it time for Southern states to accept the realities of global warming...?

Is it time for Southern states to accept the realities of global warming...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
... and invest in snow removal equipment? Because, apparently, global warming means colder snowier winters.

Need to give this some time. Too early to tell if this is going to be a trend or just an anomoly.

Only a person that doesn't understand the implications of global climate change would ask an ignorant question like this. Global warming is a misleading term because people who don't do their research will take one glance and automatically assume it means that the whole world is going to heat up up up and that's it.


It's called global warming because of the increased presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. I hope you have enough sense to know that a greenhouse gas, like a greenhouse, traps heat. The burning of fossil fuels and natural gas release these greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (whereas they naturally would have stayed in the ground for a very long time), where they allow heat and light into the atmosphere but allow very little heat out into space, thus heating the planet.

This slight heating thus affects the ice caps, causing them to melt. As more gases are trapped, more heat is trapped, creating a thermal blanket around the world. The less ice caps there are, the darker the planet becomes (less snow/ice, more dark land/water), thus making the planet even warmer. Had this cycle occurred naturally, the vast amount of forests would work endlessly to convert the CO2 into other organic forms, keeping them out of the atmosphere and lowering the temperature, but low and behold humans have destroyed the large majority of forests across the world so we don't have that natural balancer there anymore.

But to continue on... the increase in water being pumped into the water cycle from the melting ice can result in larger storms and stranger weather anomalies globally. Some places are going to get much hotter and much drier, other places are going to get much wetter and much colder. It truly just depends and we really don't have a good idea of what's going to happen yet because humans weren't technologically advanced during the last period of climate change, not to mention this form of climate change isn't natural.

So there you go.

Read a book and learn something sometime, would you? Thanks.

I think the Southern States should invest in snow equipment. The ability to plow and salt roads is essential. Without it there is no choice but to shut down and wait for it to be over. Remember, it's not just commuters and schools, it is trucks to deliver supplies, to export whatever is being produced.

EDIT: It also wouldn't hurt to track down Al Gore and pound a wooden stake through his heart to make this global warming stop ;)

They probably should not invest in snow equipment. I'd wait a decade to see a trend.

This is kind of like watching a toddler make it's first attempt at walking. There will be many times that the toddler will just fall on their diapered area, but eventually, they take that first successful step. ....Here is your chance for you to take that first successful step. Weather is not climate. When you have made this first step you will be able to try find your stride. Local is not global. Regional is not global. The globe consists of more than just its surface area. ... Perhaps, someday, you will learn how to run a marathon.

Wrong category. This question belongs under weather.


That would mean admitting that prayer doesn't work and asking the federal goverrnment for money. Are you sure they are ready for such a radical change? I mean, the next thing you know there will be schools and dentists all over the place.

wetter winters, like the uk. they should they haven't re-built new Orleans yet, have they? and after how many years....

It would do good for them to invest in chains and studded snow tires.

NY Mayor De Blasio thinks there is AGW. He didn't call off school during the storm. I wonder how much tan he is getting.

yes offcourse

... and invest in snow removal equipment? Because, apparently, global warming means colder snowier winters.

It's probably not a bad idea.