> Should climate change catastrophists be held accountable?

Should climate change catastrophists be held accountable?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If it could be honestly enforced, it would be a good thing. However, several times people have asked 'what one change would you make to this world if you could', or words to that effect. I answered 'to outlaw all lies', effectively the same thing you refer to. One time I got 14 thumbs down on that. (That was the time Jeff M and others had an array of sock puppets). But it shows that these con artists live on the lie.

Could you imagine a world where Obama could go to jail for saying, "If you want your doctor, you get to keep your doctor?" That will never happen. But in a truly just world where lies like that cause a lot of damage and hardships, it would be a boon to mankind overall.

People like Trevor and Baccy would be isolated from civilization and away from the internet. But, that would take the fun out of life when you catch them. Trevor in particular howls like a stuck pig. Baccy doesn't have that much morality and just goes silent.

Great idea, but never happen.

YES !!

A grave and serious crime has been committed. The Climate Hoaxers need to be brought to justice for all the wasted money and all the fear that has been spread, especially the fear Warmists have tried to instill in little kids. Despicable.

This FRAUD has been going on for more than 30 years !! Can you believe that?

Hundreds of Billions of hard earned taxpayer dollars have gone into the pockets of these criminals and there must be some justice for all the people robbed.


As accountable as those who falsely report nothing is happening, it is natural, and spread fears about renewable energy resources.

If you weren't a serial poster on these boards I would maybe have given you the benefit of doubt that you were ignorant or lacked understanding in the matter. But that is not the case, therefore ask a stupid question get a stupid answer.

Yes - those people who ACTUALLY understand science just won't fall for your thin, stupid, corporate lies. We should have them shot.

One day you'll be starving to death beside some road as you escape from rising sea levels, and maybe your Corporate Lie Master will come down the road and save you.

Please note the "anyone" in the quote you gave. If I had your history, I wouldn't encourage speculation along those lines.

Yeah... Let's shoot the messenger. He's the guilty one!!

If they change earth Climate ALL LIFE WILL DIE. Mike

Should states that produce coal be held accountable for the premature deaths and illness that burning coal causes?

climate change is here for anyone with eyes..

for their lies and spreading fear? They have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What do you think about Nassim Taleb and Constantine Sandis published paper "The Skin In The Game Heuristic for Protection Against Tail Events"

“We propose a global and morally mandatory heuristic that anyone involved in an action which can possibly generate harm for others, even probabilistically, should be required to be exposed to some damage, regardless of context.”
