> How will the climate changers link _this_?

How will the climate changers link _this_?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Huh? What?

Maybe a bit of perspective is in order.

Before the sun becomes a white dwarf, it will become a red giant.

At that point, it will consume the earth.

It's unlikely that there are any planets in the neighborhood of any white dwarf to worry about pollution.

I'm not sure I agree with your assessment although I did find the use of the words "pollute" and "contaminate" quite inappropriate.

The definitions of those two words refer to each but generally mean something "harmful" is being introduced. In my own mind, harm comes to people and to a smaller degree animals. So I'm not sure what is being "harmed" in the atmosphere of a white dwarf.


@Jeff M: "These are foreign particles making the star impure."

Why would you say that? The study found that 33% of white dwarfs have this characteristic. I would say it's rather normal, wouldn't you?

What exactly is a "pure" white dwarf?

It sounds entirely irrelevant to climate change on Earth.

Perhaps if you studied some science you wouldn't get confused by things like this.

Di you actually understand what you read? It is saying that Earthly particles will eventually exist within our own Sun. These are foreign particles making the star impure. It has nothing to do with current climate changes on Earth.

Why would they bother? Only a complete moron would ever even think of linking them in any possible way.

An uneducated rant? Trolling of one type or another? Not sure which.

Dwarf stars are just so naughty.

All stars should be destroyed because at the end of their lives they create carbon, which consensus tells us, is in fact, the devil.

Great, another scientific illiterate who thinks climate change is about pollution and therefor believes that comparing it to some sort of pollution on a different plant is a great analogy.

Why would you post this in global warming This is not the outer space category

A new theory, advanced to explain how the atmospheres of collapsed stars become polluted...

..The whole story is here: http://earthsky.org/space/scientists-solve-riddle-of-celestial-archaeology?utm_source=EarthSky+News&utm_campaign=7af88673bc-EarthSky_News&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c643945d79-7af88673bc-393840485

but the climate changers will never get past the word "polluted" and they will somehow link the newly discoved metal content of white dwarf stars' atmospheres to the U.S.A. and raise taxes to fund an EPA study.