> Compare and contrast dispersion and spreading in pollution?

Compare and contrast dispersion and spreading in pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
il pollution

Here is an excellent example of it: http://www.biogeosciences.net/10/3067/20...

So the radioactive plume is spreading across the North Pacific Ocean at 40 degrees latitude due to the ocean current, but not really diffusing nearly as fast. Thus, we have a plug of radioactive ocean water headed for the coast of Northern California rather than a diffuse cloud headed for everything from Alaska to Nicaragua. It does diffuse, but the speed of the current sends it to a new place faster than it diffuses.

Here is an animation of the spread and diffusion of Xe-133 gas in the wind from Fukushima. You can see the difference.

You are using terminology used in your particular classroom or in a book, probably promoted by the DOE. You have to be more concise when you go out in the real world.

You see us true scientists on this site are under close scrutiny. If we misspell a word, word something in a vague way, criticize a greenie or his/her thinking, miss a point of logic, say or do anything that inflames the passions of the greenies, or even scratch our nose while we type out our answers, we are subjected to ridicule by the greenies and censorship by Y!A a itself.

This site has repeatedly displayed its bias toward the un-American form of government and against the principles so clearly codified in our Constitution of the United States. So we have to be careful.

So due to the vagueness of the question, all true scientists, or at least timid ones like me, will have to respectfully decline. That way you will only get the greenie side of the issue, which is obviously the intent of Y!A.

Chromatic dispersion is the change of index of refraction with wavelength.

dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its frequency,or alternatively when the group velocity depends on the frequency.

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oil pollution