> Are melting snows evidence of global warming?

Are melting snows evidence of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ever since I was around to see, snows have been melting. It is part of the natural loop of seasons. Snows melting on its own cannot be taken as an evidence of something is changing because it has been happening like forever.

That said, if snow is not present at a time and a place where it is supporsed to be present and this anomaly keeps going on for a few years and perhaps on a global scale with snow not staying on ground when it used to or melting much quicker than what is expected, you can conclude the globe is warming.

Example: If there is no snow in Canada in February, something must be terribly wrong with the climate.

Yes, melting snows evidence of global warming.

Yes Global warming effects the Environment like melting snows, Too much Cold and too much hot are also responsible for Global warming.

Boy Global Warming is just a lie the government is trying to use for money like yesterday I went outside and it was cold as shít so like Global Warming is some bs.

NO. In most places snows melt seasonally, in some places it does not get warm enough in summer to melt all the snow, in these places the snow builds up high enough so that it flows by gravity in what are called glaciers.

Earth has gone through a number of ice ages and warm periods over last millions and millions of years. It just so happens we're in a warmer period at the moment. A wamer climate means ice will melt.

I think it's actually evidence of all the hot air coming from those who claim global warming does not exist.

Yes, with caveats.

1. Only if snow is melting when or where it did not before. Snow melting in the summer as it always did isn't evidence of anything except that summer is warmer than winter.

2. What's happening in one area, or during one year, is fairly weak evidence for a long-term global phenomenon. It's still evidence, but it's just one data point out of millions or billions.

In some places...

No in England the snow always melts, its seasonal but that dose not mean there is no global warming

No, because by that logic snow falling would be a sign of global cooling.

If it deals with snow on a global scale over a long enough period then yes. Of course areas will become affected differently in a warming atmosphere. For instance, snowfall/precipitation may increase in some areas of the world due to there being more water vapour in the atmosphere.



Weather proves nothing either way. There were warm periods in ice ages that were followed by more ice.

Absolutely not! Although the MNGW extremist and alarmist would tell you that if it snow here in the continental US year around, that would be caused by GW. Sound dumb don't they.

It's a variety of reasons.

No. It is simply evidence that the temperature probably rose above 32 Deg F.

No but Hurricanes, Super Storms and droughts are not evidence too.


Yes, maybe human is not unique cause of global warming but the its influence is clear.

evidence of Eskimos' havin a pee


Yuop shi temmieo sdeek


No, permafrosts melting however are.

Not really its a sign it warm!!

No weather is not climate.

yes ok

No **** Sherlock... I thought It was the arctic winds melting the snow.