> What do you think would happen if global warming kept increasing?

What do you think would happen if global warming kept increasing?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Here's a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming: http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-w...

If you need more information, these might help:








The most serious of these impacts is global warming. Over the years man has engaged in activities that have led to the depletion of the ozone layer and a high concentration in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

More you got here: http://www.qwhatis.com/what-is-global-wa...

Some parts of the world would be under water, other parts would be come more habitable (like Canada and Siberia) deserts would probably shrink due more water in the atmosphere, generally people would relocate and life would go on as normal

"Like every second people around the world turn on their AC," isn't good English. Not only is it grammatically incorrect it is not factually correct. I don't, and never have, turned on my AC every second. Furthermore, I don't know of anyone who would be that stupid.

"CFC is the main reason why we have a hole on the earth's stratosphere." This is another fallacy. CFCs have been outlawed for over twenty years and yet we have a new and deeper hole in the atmosphere.

"There are more reasons why global warming keeps increasing." The earth has not warmed in sixteen years.

"What do you think would happen if global warming kept increasing?" Nothing. The earth has been warmer and the earth has been colder and nothing happened.

Don't work you brain too much on the fear mongering of these radical 'environmentalists'. They are getting rich by creating fear.

In your article, don't forget to put this quote in by Joseph Goebbel, Hitler's minister of propaganda,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Your "Like every second people around the world turn on their AC."

How many people outside North America do you imagine actually have AC?

I personally have never been in a private dwelling that had AC. (Outside North America)

The first thing will be the biggest sigh of relief from the warming brigade. They will rest assured that the gravy train will roll on regardless of the penury it imposes on the rest of humanity. Fortunately for us, warming has now reversed and if they only had the sense they would be claiming credit for that. Instead they deny it and call us all liars, even though we only read the official documents.

First, it WILL keep increasing, no "if" about it.

Check out the most recent report listed below for the effects.


Oceans will rise

Global average temp will rise

We will have extended drought


Increasing desertification

Crop loss

Water for drinking and irrigation in some countries in Africa and Asia will be depleted

Anything else you can get from the link so you can do your own homework Not our job

Like every second people around the world turn on their AC. CFC is the main reason why we have a hole on the earth's stratosphere. There are more reasons why global warming keeps increasing.

Let's get to the point. I'm trying to make an article for my english class, so I want you to speak up! What do you think would happen if global warming kept increasing? Would something hideous happen to the earth?