> If Global Warming is real, why isn't the globe warming?

If Global Warming is real, why isn't the globe warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Let's define this a bit.

Global warming is real. Climate change is real. In the sense that the world's climate has always changed, getting warmer and cooler, more intense and less intense. It has done this throughout all of human history and in fact way back in the dinosaur age.

Are Man's actions responsible for the change we are experiencing now, and to what extent is what the debate is about.

My studies have shown the earth has gone through many warming and cooling periods and that recorded human history shows mankind thrives in a warmer climate. Folks don't die as much from cold weather and crops and animals do better in a warmer climate.

Also remember that this warming trend we've been on started when a period known as the Little Ice Age ended around 1860. If man were not on this planet, the world still would have been warming. Just maybe not quite so much.

I scoff at the ridiculous claims made by Global Warming Alarmists. New York City will not be under 20 feet of water. The polar ice caps did not all melt away by 2013. And yes, it has recently and will again snow in London.

There are several possible things that could cause that. One is that the heat could be warming the sea more than the air right now. That has been mentioned already in connection with a recent measurement showing the Atlantic has warmed a lot recently. I say another possible reason is melting ice. Ice at 0 degrees C takes heat to melt to become 0 degree water, so heat being used up to change ice to water could be another reason, although I have not seen anyone else propose that as an explanation.

It is not easy to define one temperature for the world. Most people talk about the average air temperature, but there is also the upper atmosphere, the sea, and land itself, all having temperature. An all vary from place to place and season to season. I am not convinced we even have a good value for the one average temperature of the planet, which makes measuring a change a problem. I also claim you cannot know any amount of money that has been spent because of global warming that wouldn't have been spent anyway in the name of energy independence or just reducing smog or whatever.

Al Gore is a moron, as are all liberals.

The only global warming is coming from Al Gore's hot air spewing mouth.

Heat is very in this article. It truly is with disappearing. It truly is disappearing beneath Dorkster's cargo area. If you can't imagine everyone Jason L will always make in place some sort of information to help verify the item. Missing out on warm dilemma sorted out! In addition to Used to do the item without cost! Heya! Heya! The way is usually of which intended for proficiency?

The heat is really here. It is in hiding. It is hiding under the Dorkster's bed. If you don't believe me Jeff M will make up a chart to prove it. Missing heat problem solved! And I did it for free! Hey! Hey! How is that for efficiency?

Our top scientific minds are working on this mystery.......they just need a few hundred $$Billion more and a bit more time to come up with an answer.

It is.

Check out the oceans.

Or the Alaskan tundra.

Or glaciers around the world.

Right - No one saw this 18 year temperature plateau coming even after spending billions. We should demand our money back.

you can't expect now... it is happening now... slowly slowly will happen this planet will become hydro planet... nothing else ...