> Which technical gadget have the biggest negative impact on the environment?

Which technical gadget have the biggest negative impact on the environment?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
TV, computer, phone...? Or something else?

If I had to vote for a single gadget, it would probably be the car. The cumulative effect of other technologies may be greater, but I think the car, and the things we've done to support cars (freeways, shipping petroleum, etc) have the largest negative impact in and of themselves.

E-waste is a big problem with all of the technologies that we have. Sadly every computer, smartphone, and tablets will turn to junk at one point or another. According to a study of the UN, the amount of electronic waste might jump to 60 million tons a year come 2017.

For me, what is important is living at the now while planning for the future. Let's say you are using solar panels at home, what we can do is to make most of this setup in order to help with the green movement.

Properly installed solar panels will help produce electricity in a more efficient manner than poorly configured setups. By the time we're done with them, we can at least say that we made most of it before we throw them out.

The Solar Panel. All the Hazardous chemical substances used in its manufacture then they only last 20 years and need disposal.

They are worse even than wind turbines.

hmmm, well i know that computers and such are a waste bc they are constantly upgraded thus making old models obsolete and then we throw them away and get new ones. its not fee-sable.

Wind turbines.

the match

solar panels


everything the warmunists claim as 'green'

TV, computer, phone...? Or something else?