> Are warmunist climate policies good or bad for the poor?

Are warmunist climate policies good or bad for the poor?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What does any greenie care about the poor? In the UK many people died last year because they couldn't afford heat. Yet Al Gore became a billionaire.

Millions of children starved last year, yet President Obama saw fit to give $100,000,000,000 to the already rich UN to fight the myth, Global Warming.

They are definitely BAD for the poor.

One of your links was in French. But I will quote directly from the other one.

?"But the good news is that, taken together, the Government’s policies mean that household bills will be on average 11%, or £166, lower in 2020 than if we just sat on our hands and did nothing."

Sounds like that should be *good* for the poor...

Aside from the fact, of course, that the third world (where a majority of the population are subsistence farmers or close to) will be hit harder by global warming than richer nations will...

According to the first document having the policies reduces cost to the consumer as compared without policies.

So the "warmunist" (whatever that is) policies must be bad if you are in the business of selling energy...

Under Obamunism, the poor have been hurt most along with children and old people. It is amazing that they claim to care more than the rest of us and their policies always harm those they claim to help but the ignoramuses just keep voting them in because they believe what the MSM says. It is pretty sad really.

You didnt read either of those documents - you are just regurgitating drivel from the denier echo chamber

Read the first one then repost the question in a non misleading way

That question is so beyond my ability.



But hey man, its for your own good to do without. Especially with winter coming on. Excuse me I have to go herd some sheep.

They are bad for all, they hit the poor first, when the poor are struggling the whole economy goes down and everyone suffers.

Wow, you say "Warmunist" and one of your comrades says "Obamunism", so it's clear your question is purely rhetorical, so I think I'll answer it by giving some more rhetorical questions of my own:

Do water shortages help poor people?

Do crop failures help poor people?

Does rising sea level help poor people?

And for jim z, are the policies of the Republican Party known for helping poor people and children?

In Britain electric prices will go up 41% by 2030. Subsidies for low-carbon generation will raise the price of electricity from £149 to £210 per MwH according to government officials. Blackouts are also said to be coming to Europe.


