> How do I restore Global Warming?

How do I restore Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

"Lately I have noticed that my house's global warmer is no longer able to keep the building at a comfortable 72°F throughout, and I've been considering replacing it."

Idiot thinks he is being clever, unaware that he doesn't even know what "global" means.

Well you can help by driving less and maybe getting some plants. It's gonna take the effort of a lot more people to really help slow things down at all, bu so far it isn't anything shown to be reversable

Gather all the hot air these 'saviors of the earth' spew, You will have enough heat for years to come.

There a lot of defunked, failed, super duper computer climate models, maybe you can buy one cheap, they even might be giving them away soon.

Lately I have noticed that my house's global warmer is no longer able to keep the building at a comfortable 72°F throughout, and I've been considering replacing it. It's a 2001 model, but the labeling and safety valves have melted, so I don't know what brand it is. As far as warming goes, will a new warmer actually be able to globally warm my house, or could this be a problem with my air ducts? I don't want to spend too much money, so please suggest the cheapest option. I would also like some suggestions for stores that sell secondhand duct tape.

Thank you.