> Is it true global warming could cause an ice age?

Is it true global warming could cause an ice age?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm watching The Day After Tomorrow which is one of my favorite movies and I was just kinda wondering.

It's not likely.

True ice ages are caused by changes in the shape of earth's orbit.

That's thousands of years away.

The Little Ice Age was caused by a decline in solar sun spots.

We don't know why that occurred, but it's clearly not happening now.

You'll see, "Cooling is expected any day now."

That's a bunch of hooey.

If I could predict weather like that, I'd be a gazillionaire.

Some years ago, it was speculated that melting of Greenland would disrupt the Gulf Stream.

Since then, the variation in the Gulf Stream has been realized to be more pronounced than previously realized.

In other words, melting in Greenland is not going to cause an ice age.

You really do need to get your science from honest science sources,

not movies,

and not someone who says that 98% of scientists are wrong,

and are promoting global warming just to get government grants.

Most of those who are worried about global warming have no chance to get a global warming government grant, and are voicing their honest opinion.

Ya - it's a scary idea that once the global warming changes the Gulf Stream, that changes the entire weather patterns in the Atlantic. Apparently from ice core data, climate can change very quickly once you get overloaded with carbon dioxide... and we are DOUBLE overloaded right now.

The morons got to deny it - so of course you have nothing to worry about. The republicans will handle it.

Later when you're starving to death along some road, I'm sure that the global warming deniers will be passing out bread.

No it's just a movie, and global warming is not happening.

However a little ice age could happen, as the sun is acting strangely


It's just a movie. And to get an ice age, you need cooling not warming. Where do you make ice? In your freezer or your microwave?

No, the sun caused global warming and will likely cause much cooler conditions in the very near future.

The tempurature of the world in 2013 is the same temp as it was in 1750. Global warming is a myth

Global cooling could and is on the way.

only in the twisted anti-science mind of a global warming alarmist could warmer weather cause it to get colder and freeze.

Don't worry about all this BS and have a good day , its all a made up bs scam to make money .

So you can't distinguish between fiction and reality?

I'm watching The Day After Tomorrow which is one of my favorite movies and I was just kinda wondering.

Global warming is a carbon tax scam. Please wake up.